Chapter 16

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We shower and Ryder went downstairs to grab our clothes. He throws them in the wash basket. He then goes to the closet and puts sweatpants on. He grabs one of his shirts and hands it to me. I put it on and quietly sit on the bed.

Ryder climbs in bed and I lay my head on his chest. He rakes his fingers through my hair. "You were a very good girl today." "I-I was." He nods and kisses my forehead. "Do you need or want anything." I shake my head. "I-I want you t-to stay in bed with me." He smiles and nods "ok Angel I'll be right here with you all night."

He puts on a movie and plays with me hair. He gives me lots of forehead kisses and occasionally asks if I need or want anything and if I feel ok. Eventually i fall asleep cradled in his arms.

I wake up still wrapped in his arms. I gently shake him. "Baby hey B-baby." He looks down at me. "Are you ok? Do you need something." I giggle and shake my head. "No but I-It's 9 o'clock." He nods "I know." "Well when w-will Hunter be here." "He's not coming." "Wh-What?" I say confused.

"I took off of work today." "To be with m-me." I say as a fact even though it sounds more like a question. "Yes Angel to be with you." I smile and move closer to him. We quietly lay there for a while. "Why don't we make breakfast." Ryder whispers. I nod and climb out of bed. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

I am sore but surprisingly not to bad. Like I can walk and I waddle a little, but it's not so bad that I can't walk. "Are you ok?" Ryder asks for like the 100th time. I smile and nod "I'm fi-fine. Stop worrying I'm no some fragile glass thing that can br-break easily."

He chuckles "I actually meant like how are you? Like when you walk does it hurt." I shrug "A little bit I'm fi-fine." I say and look at the ground hoping he doesn't see my dark red cheeks.

He kisses the top of my head. "What do you want for breakfast." "Umm french toast." He nods "ok french toast coming right up." I smile and hop on the counter.

"You better be careful Angel you don't have anything on under my shirt which means easy access." I blush and cross my leg over the other. He smirks and turns back to the French toast he's making. "Can we ha-have strawberries and whipped cream on them." Ryder smiles "of course."

I smile and sit there swinging my legs a little. "Angel can you get the fruit and cut it." I nod and hop off the counter. I grab the strawberries and blueberries. I grab a cutting board and knife. I cut the strawberries into 4 and the blueberries I cut in half. I put them in a bowl and get out the whipped cream.

"Ok breakfast is done." I smile and grab a plate. I put a couple things of french toast with a crap load of whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries. I sit at the table. I take a big bite and  smile. Ryder sighs and I look at him. He lifts me up and places me on his lap. "You're so adorable." I giggle and grab my plate.

I take another bite of my french toast. Ryder kisses the top of my head. The door opens. "Hey boss." Hunter says "why are you home are you sick." Brody says. They open the kitchen door and walk in. They look at me just as I take a bite of the french toast.

"You don't look sick to me." Brody says. Hunter looks at us. Ryder tightens his grip around me. "I never said I was sick all I said was I'm taking the day off." Hunter looks at Ryder then me then back to him. "Is she ok?" Ryder nods. "She's fine." "At least she's eating." He nods and pushes my hair off my shoulder and kisses my neck.

"You fucked her didn't you." Hunter says with a smile. My cheeks go bright red and I hide my face. Hunter laughs "you so did. You fucked her." "Shut up before I force you to." He says and pulls me closer to him. "So you did. Was she any good."

I quickly look at him. "I-I'm right here." I say a little mad. He sighs "I came to remind you about the party tonight." "Party?" I say confused.

"It's a gang party." Ryder says. I gulp "do I-I need to dress fancy." "Angel you don't have to go." "I-I want to." He nods "then yeah you need to dress fancy." I nod and climb off his lap and walk towards his door. "Stop." I stop and look at him. "Finish eating first." I nod and walks back over to him. I sit next to him and continue eating.

"We also found more information on the problem." Brody says and Ryder sighs. "Ok I'll get ready." He looks at me "I'll be back soon start to get ready while I'm gone." He says as he stands up. He kisses the top of my head and leaves. I eat and do the few dishes. I then run upstairs and start getting ready.

I shave my legs and everything else making sure everything is perfectly smooth. I then shower and blow dry my hair. I quickly brush it and grab my nail polish container. I find my light blue basically baby blue nail polish. I paint my fingernails and toenails. I put on some dangly gem earrings. I then grab a necklace with a small gem in it.

I put on my baby blue body con dress. It is a tank top type dress. It comes to about my mid thigh. I put on white heels that have a small strap that goes across my feet.

The door opens "Angel I'm home." I smile and walk out of the bathroom. "I'm in t-the bathroom doing my-my makeup." "Ok well all I need to do is get dressed then we're leaving." "Ok." I put on simple makeup.

"Angel it's time to go." "Coming." I slowly walk downstairs. Ryder looks at me and smirks. I smile and take his hand. "Angel you look beautiful." I blush "thank y-you." "Shall we go." I smile and nod.

He leads me to the car. I climb in the passenger seat. Ryder starts driving to the place. I turn on music.

"B-baby." He looks over at me "yes." "W-Will a lot of people be there." He sighs "they'll be at least the top 4 gangs and each gang will bring their main guys so at least 50 people." I gulp "a-at least 50 peo-people." He nods "yes Angel at least 50, but it's fine you'll be with me."

I nod and look out the window. I tap my foot to the music. "We're there. Angel we're there." Ryder shakes me. I look over at him. "We're there." I nod and climb out of the car. I take a deep breath. Ryder wraps his arms around me. "Are you ok?" I nod and sigh. "Yeah I-I'm ready." He smiles a small smile and starts walking up the steps.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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