Chapter 4

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Ruby's POV

I'm going to kill him. I'm going to snap his fucking neck. I don't care what his excuse will be. He yelled at my best friend and now they are broken up or might be broken up. Either way she's really upset and bawling her eyes out.

After a while Via falls asleep. I call Chase and he comes here. "What's up." He says and I stand up. "Via's in my room sleeping. Can you watch her while I pay Ryder a visit." "Ummm sure  why is she here though." "I'll explain later or maybe she will explain I got to go. Thank you so much." I quickly kiss him and leave. I climb on my motorcycle and drive to the Warehouse. I walk in and everyone looks at me.

I roll my eyes and walk up to one of the workers. "Ryder where is he?" I ask and the person points to the meeting room. I smile "thanks." I go to the meeting room and storm in there. "You're not allowed in here." One of his workers say. "Shut up." I spot Ryder and storm over to him. "What the hell is wrong with you. Screaming at her like that. Now she thinks everyone has to deal with her and that no one actually likes her. You fucking broke her why? Oh right because you're "grumpy"" I do air quotes as I say grumpy.

Ryder looks down at me "grumpy? Nobody that except for..." he stops talking for a little. "Angel called me grumpy." He says shocked and I nod. "Yeah and she was bawling all because you were being a dick to her. By the way she thinks you guys broke up and that you don't like her because you have to deal with her." I say angrily and he sighs. "Yeah well she doesn't want to see me." I smile "you're right she doesn't because if you come to my house Chase is going to shoot you before you even step in the house."

He sighs and I roll my eyes. "Ohh and by the way this whole working super long thing sucks. Via looks a lot thinner since the last time I saw her." I'm not dumb. She's obviously not eating she looks a lot thinner since the last time I saw her. Which also means that Ryder isn't doing his job. He promised us he'd make sure she's eating.

"I'm trying but when I force her to eat she gets sad and thinks I'm mad at her." "It doesn't matter if you don't like it. If you don't help her she's going to get put in the hospital and get one of those feeding tubes." "You don't think I know that." He practically screams and I look at him. "You yell at me again and I'm punching you." I say and walk towards the door. "You better find a way to fix this." I say before leaving the meeting room.

I get on my motorcycle and drive back home. I walk inside and Via is sitting at the table. "Are you hungry?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "Have you been eating?" She nods and I look at her. I sigh "fine whatever do you want something to drink." She shakes her head yet again. I shrug "ok if you say so." I make popcorn and sit in the living room.

Via's POV

I sit at the table starring at my lap. If Ryder thinks people have to deal with me and I'm to needy well guess what. I'm just not going to talk to people that way they don't have to deal with me. I'm going to do everything my self and I don't need anyone's attention that way I'm no needy. I can take care of myself. I mean look at me I'm still breathing and moving. I don't need anyone.

I walk into Ruby's living room. "I'm go-going to go home." I quietly say. Ruby sits up and looks at me "why?" "I don't w-want to bother you. So I'm just gonna g-go." "You're not bothering me." "Bye." I say and walk outside. I climb on my motorcycle and drive to Ryder's/my house.

I walk inside and walk to the kitchen. I open the fridge and look inside. I would eat but nothing looks appetizing. I sigh and sit at the table. I look out the window and look at the birds flying by.

After a while I hear the door open. "I know I'm not stupid. Well how do I get her back. No I'm not doing that. Because that mean are you forget where she was 2 weeks ago." That's Ryder. Well I doesn't matter who it is you don't need him or his attention.

"Yeah Ruby says she hasn't eaten in a while. What am I supposed to do shove food in her mouth and force her to eat it. I'm trying." He walks into the kitchen and goes in he fridge. He grabs a water bottle and leans against the counter. He only has shorts on. The only time he wears just shorts is when he works out.

He's shirtless and I can see his muscles. His hair is messy. I turn and look at the window. I look at the flowers, trees and other stuff outside. "I'm not sure where she is. Ruby said she's at her house and now Ruby said she's here. She's probably in our room or something. In don't know and right now I don't care I'm giving her some space."

"Well what am I supposed to do kiss her. That'll just make her angry and she'll probably punch me." It's quiet for a little "what no we're not telling her about that. Because she doesn't care who I meet. Via doesn't need to know about her."

About her? Did he fuck a chic. He wouldn't...I mean he would but...well I guess technically we broke up since I said he doesn't have to deal with me anymore, but he wouldn't get with some chic right? I mean I didn't mean to say that. I just wanted to get away from him. His eyes were so dark and I thought he was going to hurt me. I was just trying to get out of there I don't want to leave him.

Did he actually fuck someone? I mean that would explain the messy hair but he wouldn't do that. But he is a man whore. I sigh and sniffle. Great now I'm crying. See what you did Via you're stupid overthinking made you upset and now you're crying.

I look at my lap and wipe the tears away. I continue thinking about him. I imagine him fucking a random chic. And it's not helping. I'm crying a lot harder now and trying so hard not to make a sound. But a sob escapes and Ryder stops talking. I glance up at him and he's looking at me. "I'll call you back." He says and ends the call.

He walks over to me and without saying anything wraps his arms around me. I move burying my face in his chest. "You didn't fuck a-a chic right." Ryder rubs my back. "No." "Th-Then why don't I need to know about h-her." Ryder sighs "after you left Ruby came and she wasn't happy at all. She said that you called me grumpy."

I nod "because you are. Y-You yelled at me all because I wanted t-to see you." Ryder sighs "I know Angel and I'm so sorry. I can't even make an excuse on why I yelled at you because I shouldn't have. I was mad from the meetings I had this morning and I just took my anger out on you. And I shouldn't have. You missed me and drove all the way to the warehouse to see me. Which is so sweet, but you came at a bad time."

"You called me ne-needy and said th-that you have t-to deal with m-me." Ryder nods "I know and I'm so sorry I said that. You're not needy. I love when you want my attention it shows me to care about me. And I don't deal with you. It's more like you deal with me." I nod and wrap my arms around him.

"Y-You're all sweaty and stink." I quietly say and Ryder laughs. "Im sorry I worked out for like 3 hours. I was going to shower but then I saw you crying." "Can I come with." I whisper and Ryder looks at me confused "to shower can I-I come with." Ryder chuckles. "Only if you forgive me." I smile a small smile and kiss his chest. "I-I do." I say and kiss his chest again. He chuckles and scoops me up in his arms.

"That's good. If I didn't find you or if you didn't forgive me. I'd probably end up drinking all night." "Well I-I'm glad you're back now you can give me atten-attention." Ryder smirks "I can't wait." I smile and kiss his cheek.

Hey loves, so I recently published a new book. Well it's not a new book. It's a sneak peak to the book I published. You should check it out. It's called Devil Jr.

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