Chapter 6

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I wake up to something touching my forehead. I slowly open my eyes and Ryder is standing next to the bed. "Rise and shine my little Angel." I groan and roll over. "Noo" I say whining a little. "Oh don't be mad I made breakfast." I roll over again and look at him. "It's a banana nut pancake." I slowly sit up.

"Fine I'm u-up." He smiles "I also brought some orange juice." I nod and take the orange juice from him. I slowly sip it and he smiles. He kisses my forehead and sits on the bed next to me. "I brought my breakfast up here so we can eat together." He says and starts to eat his pancakes. I grab my plate. The pancake is a average size pancake.

I pick up the fork and cut a small piece off of it. I put it in my mouth and eat it. I cut another piece and look over at Ryder. He's looking at me in aww. "Wh-What?" "Huh?" I look at him confused "you're starring at me." He shakes his head "sorry it's just you're finally eating." He says excited and I giggle.

I cut another piece of pancake and eat it. After a while I finish the orange juice and the pancake. Ryder finished a while ago and has been showering. "I-I'm done." I announce and Ryder walks into the bedroom. He's wearing jeans, a black t-shirt and a leather jacket. He looks at me and look at the empty plate and cup.

He smiles and walks over to me. He kisses me "you don't know how proud I am that you're eating and drinking." I smile a small smile "I know." He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "I'm going to do the dishes. Get changed and do you're hair. Then come downstairs." I look at him confused. "I have a few meetings then I'm meeting my buddies."

"An-And I'm coming with." I quietly say and he nods. "I'll be with you the whole time so you don't have to worry about anyone hurting you or taking to you." I nod "What should I wear?" He walks over to the closet. He grabs something and hands it to me. "Leggings and your black swe-sweatshirt." He nods "and any shoes you want but I'd recommend sneakers." I nod and he kisses my forehead. "I'll see you downstairs."

He leaves the room and I stand up. I put on the leggings and his sweatshirt. Then I put on my black sneakers. I walk downstairs and Ryder is on the phone. He looks at me and winks. I blush and look at the ground.

"Yes I'll see you soon. Ok bye." He rolls his eyes "if I say there's a meeting that means there's one not that it's optional." I giggle and he smiles. He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the side of my head. "Are you ready?" He asks and I nod.

He opens the car door for me and I climb in. The drive to the warehouse is pretty quiet. We get there and I wait for Ryder to open the door. I step out and we walk inside. "I-I hope no one remembers what happened yesterday." I quietly say. "They do I can tell by their shocked faces, but they won't say anything because I'm the boss." I nod and look at the ground.

We get to the meeting room and Ryder opens the door. "Wait I'm joining th-the meeting." He nods and I gulp. "I can't." Ryder grabs my chin forcing me to look up at him. "If you don't feel comfortable joining I can have you be with Brody. He's in the shooting range training someone." I slowly nod. "Ok follow me." He starts walking and I follow him.

He gets to what I think is the shooting range. "Hey Brody." Ryder says and Brody stop shooting. He jogs over to us. "Is something wrong." Ryder shakes his head "no but Angel doesn't want to join the meeting. So she's going to be here with you." Brody nods "as long as she doesn't get in the way." Ryder smiles "great." He turns to me "I'll come get you once the meetings are over it'll be in like a hour or 2." I nod. He smirks and leans down pressing his lips against mine.

He bites my bottom lip and slides his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues tangle around each other. What I didn't expect was for Ryder to wrap his hand around my neck choking me. I let out a quiet moan and he smiles against my lips. He pulls away and let's go of me. "You still like that." He says with a smirk. He quickly kisses me and leaves.

"So do you wanna shoot with us." Brody says and I smile "sure." He nods and walks somewhere. I follow him and he gets me a gun. He hands me a pistol. It looks just like the one I used in the training room when his dad had me. I gulp and start replaying that day over and over in my head. How his dad cheated and used a hologram of Ryder to distract me. How that guy aggressively played with my breast in the punishment room. How he almost raped me. That part plays over and over in my head.

Next thing I know I'm panicking and having a panic attack. My whole body is shaking, I feel like I'm going to throw up, my heart is beating really fast, and I'm taking quick short breaths. I slowly back up and my back hits something. I'm guessing it's a wall. "Shit Via." I hear Brody say. I hear him talking to someone. The room starts to spin like when you're dizzy. Someone touches me. "Angel. Angel you have to breath. Can you take deep breaths." I Shake my head. "At least try. Take a deep breath with me ok." I nod.

I try and focus on Ryder. "Ok breath in." I try and take a deep breath but can't. Tears start rolling down my cheeks and the room starts spinning again. I squeeze my eyes shut. "Angel? Hey Hey hey it's ok." I feel someone lift me up. "Angel you have to take deep breaths." I swallow the lump in my throat and force myself to take deep breaths. After a while I slowly open my eyes and the room is steady. I'm still breathing pretty fast so I'm trying to get my breathing back to normal.

After a while my breathing is normal and my heart is beating normal. I move snuggling closer to Ryder. He rubs my back. "It's ok you're fine I'm right here." Ryder continues reassuring me that I'm ok. I rest my head against his chest. After a while I talk. "Th-The gun th-the pistol." I quietly say. And Ryder looks at Brody confused. Brody's eyes go wide.

"God I'm stupid." He says and Ryder looks at him. "Why?" He gulps and looks at me then looks at Ryder. "While dad had Via he had her go to the training room. He said if she got hit 3 times she'd go to the punishment room. He cheated and she got hit 3 times. He took her to the punishment room. And I heard her screaming for help. I thought it was from the stupid workers hurting her."

He looks at me and takes a deep breath. "I decided that maybe something was actually going on. So I went to the punishment room to check on her. One of the workers had her pinned against the wall and her top was ripped off. When I gave her the pistol she must've had flashbacks from that day." He looks at Brody in disbelief. I hide my face.

"Angel." Ryder says after a few quiet minutes. "Did that happen?" He asks and I slowly nod. "I tried to stop him. Apparently kneeing him i-in the balls made him angry. If Brody d-didn't come in he would've..." Ryder pulls me closer to him "I'm so sorry Angel."

"It's ok. I-I'm fine." "Some guy almost rapped you." Ryder says and I nod "I know and I'm fine." He nods and holds me. "C-Can we go home." "Well my buddies and I were going to go get lunch, but if you want to..." I cut him off "no we c-can go just stay with me." "Always Angel."

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