Chapter 5

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Well there went the nobody needs to deal with me and I don't need anyone's attention plan.

I get undressed and step into the shower. Ryder steps in and I gulp. This is the first time he's seen me naked since they saved me. Ryder gently traces the scares on my back from the whips. "My poor Angel." Ryder quietly says. "They hurt you. I should kill them a second time." He says a little angry.

"I-I'm fine." He sighs "Angel you're not fine you have scars all over your back and bruises all ver your body." "Th-they're healing." He nods "I know." "Can you hand m-me my shampoo?" I ask and he nods. He grabs it and hands it to me. I open the bottle and everything goes black.

Ryder's POV

I hand Via her shampoo and she opens. She's about to put some of the shampoo on her hand. That is until she falls backwards. I quickly catch her. "Angel hey Angel." I say panicked as I hold her limp body. It's ok she just passed out. I hope. I step out of the shower. I don't even bother drying off. I walk out of the bathroom and upstairs into our room.

I lay Via on the bed. I cover her up with the blanket. "I'll be right back." I say and walk over to the closet. I quickly put on underwear and sweatpants. I grab some shorts and one of my sweatshirts. I walk over to Via. I put the shorts and sweatshirt on her. It's not perfect but it'll do.

I grab my phone and call my doctor. I knew this would happen. But stupid me was worried about work. When I should've been worried about Liv and made sure she was eating and drinking. I know she passed out either because she's dehydrated or because her sugar dripped.

Either way she passed out and if I'd been making sure she was eating and drinking like I was supposed to do she wouldn't have passed out. I brush the hair out of Via's face. "It's ok Angel you'll wake up soon." I quietly say and I gently kiss her forehead.

The doctor comes and looks at her. Apparently she's both dehydrated and her sugar dropped. The doctor said she should wake up soon and when she does to make sure she drinks and eats some kind of food that'll bring her sugar level back to normal. The doctor leaves and I rush downstairs. I get a bottle of water and some cookies. I figured they'll help bring her sugar up and Via loves cookies.

I walk back upstairs and into our room. Via is sitting there looking around the room confused. "Hi Angel." I say and she looks at me. "Wh-What happened." She says confused. "You fainted. The doctor said your dehydrated and your sugar level is low. So you have to eat and drink. You don't have to eat a lot just enough to get your sugar level back to normal, but you do have to drink a lot of water." She shakes her head "I'm not hun-hungry or thirsty."

I sigh and walk over to the bed. "Angel please just try. You scared the crap out of me when you fainted. I don't want you to faint again. I mean what would've happened if I wasn't there to catch you. You could've gotten seriously hurt." "I'm not eating." I start to play with her hair. "Can you try. Even if it's just a little bit. If you don't eat you'll get put in the hospital and get one of those feeding tubes."

She shakes her head. "I c-can't if I eat I'm going I th-throw up." I sigh and run my hand through my hair. "Angel you have to." "I can't. I-I've tried and I threw up." She says and her eyes get glassy. "I want t-to eat but I can't." I look at her and she's looking at her lap.

"How about you drink some water then we'll worry about food." She slowly nods. I grab the bottle. It's a portable water bottle and has a straw so it'll be easier to drink. "Take small sips." I say as I hand her the bottle. She nods and starts to slowly drink the water. "How many ounces is this wa-water bottle?" She ask and I look at it. "I think a 22 ounce why?" She shrugs "I-I just wanted to know." I nod and she sips a little more.

"Do you want to watch tv." I say after a few silent minutes. She looks at me. "Can we watch tw-twilight?" I chuckle "sure." I go over to her book self and grab the twilight dvd. I put it in and start to movie. I climb in bed and sit next to her. She lays her head on my shoulder and continues sipping the water.

Olivia's POV

I continue sipping the water as I watch Twilight. After a while it's empty. "I-It's empty." I quietly say and Ryder looks down at me. "Do you want me to refill it?" He asks and I nod.

He smiles and takes the bottle from me. "Ok I'll be right back." He says and kisses my forehead. He comes back a little later with the bottle. I take it from him and start drinking it. Ryder sits next to me like before and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Do you want to try and eat." Ryder says and I look at him. "Just a little bit." I sigh "I probably should I-I'll just eat slowly." He smiles and grabs what I think are cookies. I grab one and take a small bite. My stomach instantly turns. I'm not going to throw up. I'm going to be good and eat the whole cookie.

I continue taking small bites and after a little I finish the cookie. Ryder goes to hand me another one. I look at him and he pouts a little. I take it and take small bites like with the other one.

I watch twilight and continue slowly eating and drinking. By the time the movie is over I finish the bottle of water and eat 2 more cookies. I ate 4 cookies and 44 ounces of water which doesn't seem like a lot, but I haven't eaten in like 3 days and I didn't throw up.

Ryder puts on New moon and I start watching it. I go pee a few times which is normal considering I drank 44 ounces in 2 1/2 hours. I move and lay my head on Ryder's chest.

He starts playing with my hair. "Angel." I look up at Ryder "y.m-yes baby." He leans down and kisses me. "I'm so proud of you." I smile a small smile and lay my head back on his chest. "I'm going to make sure you eat at least 2 meals a day and that you drink at least 40 ounces a day." I nod "o-ok."

He kisses the top of my head and I continue watching the movie. At some point I fall asleep because I wake up and the tv is off. I look around and it is still dark outside. I grab my phone and see that it's 2 o'clock. I lay back down and close my eyes. I thought it was a lot later than that. Anyways, I lay back down close my eyes and go back to sleep.

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