Chapter 13

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Ryder's POV

I run my hand through my hair and take another sip of the bourbon I've been drinking. "It's not your fault." Hunter says for like the hundredth time. "I don't care if it was or wasn't. I could've killed her. I almost did."

"I almost killed the woman I love." I quietly say and down the rest of my drink. I push the cup towards Hunter who fills it back up.

"I know you almost did but it wasn't you you." I roll my eyes "I hurt her weather it was me or not. I hurt her and almost killed her. She probably hates me and is terrified of me."

"I don't know, but I do know that Ruby is at the hospital. She's in the waiting room. She said her parents are there." I sigh "great another reason for them to hate me. I didn't mean it. It just t...." Hinter cuts me off. "It took over I know. Maybe it's time to go to the doctor." I look at him annoyed.

"And what would they do. They'd do exactly what they did to dad. They gave him pills and told him when he gets mad to take a break and calm down. And what did dad do." "He continued getting mad and it continued taking over." Hunter quietly says.

"Yeah and I'm not going to the doctor just so they can say I'm crazy." "You're not crazy. Just special."

I look at my glass. "I should've warned Via about it." "That wouldn't have changed anything. After the 10 years I've known you. When it comes out and attacks me it still scares the shit out of me." I sigh "yeah but you know I don't mean it. Poor Angel was probably so scared."

"She kept whimpering which made it do it even more. Especially when she called you baby." Hunter says as he refills my glass for the like 5th time. "I hope she knows I didn't mean it. I didn't want to hurt her." "I know."

I groan and lay my head on the counter. Hunter rubs my back. "It's ok you'll find someone else. Maybe even better." I roll my eyes. "You don't get it. She's mine. My fucking girl and I'm not letting her leave."

Via's POV

The nurse said I have visitors. But if it's not Ryder I don't care. Someone knocks on the door. "Sweetie it's me can I come in." Ruby's voice says. "Come in." I quietly say.

She walks in and my parents come in behind her. "How are you?" "I-I want to go home." My mom smiles and plays with my hair. "Don't worry sweetie we'll take you home soon." I shake my head "I wanna go home to Ryder I-I wanna see him." Mom and dad look at me as though I grew a second head.

"He didn't do th-this something took over. He's never hurt me. Sure he'd get mad b-but he never hurt me. I-It wasn't him something took of and it did-did this." Dad crosses his arms across his chest.

"You want to see that psychopath. After what he did to you." I slowly nod. Dad glares at me. "You're fucking crazy." "Honey calm down." Mom says and glares at him. "You're one to talk." She says and I look at her confused. "You're father hurt me when we were dating. Obviously he didn't mean it but he still hurt me." She says and glares at him.

I slowly nod. "So wh-when can I leave." "Never." Dad basically yells. "Soon we just need to sign papers." Mom says and smiles a small smile. I smile back.

"Where's my phone." I ask. "At home." Ruby says. I nod and quietly sit there. I just want to see Ryder. I want him to hold me and cradle me in his tattoo covered arms. I just want to see him.

Finally Ruby pulls into the driveway. It's I think 4 o'clock. I climb out of the car and slowly walk to the door. I hear music. Why is their music. I slowly walk inside and no ones in the house.

Ruby points to the back door. She walks towards the door and I follow her. She opens the door and walks outside. I step outside and freeze. There's a crap load of girls. They're all wearing swimsuits and dancing to music and chilling in the pool. Hunter is dancing with some girl. And by dancing I mean she's grinding on him.

Some chic is dancing like right in front of Ryder by he doesn't seem impressed. She's shaking her butt and he doesn't look happy at all. I gulp and slowly walk towards him. "Via I wouldn't." I look at her. "It's fine Ruby I-I know what I'm doing." I slowly walk towards Ryder my heart beating faster with each step closer to him I get.

Once I'm right next to him I slowly wrap my arms around him. "Hi baby." I quietly say. He looks down at me. "Holy shit Angel." I look at him. "That's actually you." He says and pokes my cheek. I giggle "hi." "You're not scared of me." "I'm scared of th-the thing that took over and hurt me, bu I'm not scared o-of you." He smiles and slowing moves his hand towards my chin. He tilts my chin up forcing me to look up at him. His smile drops.

He moves his hand towards my throat and I gulp. He gently touches the bruises on my neck. "It did that." He says angrily. I wrap my arms around him. "It's ok I-I'm fine." He slowly nods. "I prom-promise I'm fine." I quietly say and nuzzle against him hiding my face in his side.

He picks me up and I whimper. He kisses my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. He lets out a quiet groan. "You know you make it harder and harder each day." "Make what harder?" "You make it harder and harder for me to not fuck you." I smile a small smile and play with his hair. "Then st..stop fighting it." I quietly say.

He looks at me. I smile a small smile and press my lips against his. He bites my lip. "Angel you said you wanted to wait." He whispers. "I'm do-done waiting." I say and kiss a trail along his jawline. His breathing picks up a little. "Angel if you start now I'm not going to stop until you can't continue doing it."

I slowly move down and suck on his neck. He groans "who are you and what did you do with my shy little Angel." I pull away and look at him. "You're shy little Angel is turn-turned on and wants you." I whisper before moving back to his neck. He groans and tightens his grip around my butt. I whimper and pull away. "R-Ryder." I quietly say.

He smirks "oh don't get all shy on me now. Come on we're going to the bedroom." He walks inside and starts walking upstairs. He walks in our room and kicks the door shut. "So my little Angel is horny." He says with a smirk. I hide my face in his neck and slowly nod.

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