Chapter 8

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Via's dream

I wake up and I'm in the punishment room. I gulp and sit up. "H-Hello." I quietly say. "Shh he'll here you." I hear Brody say. Wait Brody. I quickly look and there he is. On the other side of the room chained to the wall. "Wh-who will he-hear me." I quietly say. "The boss he'll hear you."

"What's going on down there are one of you talking." I hear the boss's voice say. "Quick pretend to sleep." Brody says. I quickly lay down and close my eyes and pretending to sleep. My heart is beating so fast and I'm trying to calm my breathing down. I hear foot steps walking towards us. My breathing picks up. The footsteps stop right in front of our room.

My breathing stops all together. After a little while the person starts walking away. The footsteps slowly get quieter and quieter. Once I can't hear them anymore I open my eyes and sit up. I look around and the boss is standing there holding one of those super painful whips.

"So pretending to sleep. You know the rules if you wake up you go to the play room. And if you don't go to the playroom you get punished." The boss smiles "I mean that's what the punishment is used for right? Punishing people." The boss laughs and walks towards me. I stumble back until my back is pressed against the wall.

"Ohhh little Green when will you learn. If you follow the rules everything will be fine, but if you disobey me or don't follow the rules. You get punished and you get mad at us for punishing you. Well we can't have you being bad all the time. We're trying to make you follow the rules." The boss says and hits me with the whip.

I let out a painful cry and he sighs. "I don't like hurting you little green, but if you would obey the rules. You wouldn't have to get punished. So really it's your fault that you're getting hurt." He says and hits me with the whip again. I whimper and he laughs. "This is all you're fault if you would've listened you wouldn't be getting punished right now." He says and whips me again. It hits my back and for some reason is hurts more then the other do. I scream from all the pain.

End of Via's Dream

I scream and quickly sit up. Arms wrap around me. I smell the familiar cologne. I look down and see the tattoo covered arms and I start to cry.

Ryder sits up and pulls me closer to him. "Shhh it's ok Angel I've got you it was a dream. It was just a dream." I turn burying my face in his chest. Ryder rubs my back. And continues saying calming things to me. After a while I stop crying and I'm now just sniffling.

Ryder wipes the tears away and kisses my cheeks. He then kisses my nose and finally kisses my lips. I smile a small smile. "Why don't we watch tv and try to get your mind off the dream." I shake my head. "H-How about we get I-Ice cream." I quietly say and Ryder smiles. "Ok get shoes I'll be downstairs waiting." He climbs out of bed and kisses me. I put my black sneakers on and walk downstairs.

Ryder is waiting downstairs. He looks at me and smiles. He kisses my forehead and takes my hand. We walk outside to the car. Ryder starts to drive to wherever we are going.

He pulls into the ice cream place we came to on our first date. I step outside and the air hits me. I thought my t-shirt would be fine obviously not. Ryder's jacket wraps around me. I look behind me and Ryder is standing behind me. I smile and put my arms in the jacket. The sleeves cover my arms and I giggle. I roll the sleeves up.

Ryder wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me towards him. He opens the door for me and I step inside. Not many people are here. I guess since it's January. Ryder takes my hand and leads me to the cash register and place where you order. "Let me guess you want mint chocolate chip on a cone." I smile and nod.

We order our ice cream and walk outside. We walk around a little and eat our ice cream. Suddenly it starts pouring. I squeal as the cold rain hits me. Ryder chuckles and pulls me towards him. Luckily we finished our ice cream. He leads me to the car. He's about to climb in the car but I wrap my arms around him. "B-Baby." He looks down at me. "Yes Angel." "I wanna da-dance." "In the rain?" He asks. I smile and nod.

He chuckles and wraps his arms around me. I smile and rest my head against his chest. We start to spin around dancing in the rain. Ryder grabs my hand and spins me. I giggle. "My adorable Angel wanting to dance in the rain. Well what she wants she gets." Ryder says and pulls me towards him. He kisses me and spins me again. We dance in the ran for quite a while. I'm laughing and smiling so much. After a while we're just slowly slow dancing. I have my head resting on his chest and his arms are wrapped around me as we slowly spin in a circle.

"Baby." "Yes Angel." I look up at him and quickly look away. "I love you." I quietly say. Ryder silently stands there for a little. Next thing I know he lifts me up and i squeal. He places me on the hood of his car.

He crashes his lips on mine aggressively kissing me. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close to him as I can be without falling off the hood of the car. He bites my bottom lip. "I love you so much." He quietly says. "No amount describes how much I love you." I look up at the sky and smile. "More than to t-the moon." I say and he smiles. "Loving you to the moon and back is a lot less than how much I love you." I smile and blush. "That's a lot." He chuckles and nods.

"You are my Angel." I smile and lean forward pressing my lips against his. He let's out a small groan and pulls away. "We should leave before something happens." "Like?" I ask. Suddenly lightning flashes across the sky followed by thunder. I jump. "Like that." Ryder says. I quickly hop off the car. "Let's go home." I quickly say and Ryder nods.

I climb in the passenger seat. "Aw." Ryder looks at me "what?" "You're seats are going to be wet." Ryder chuckles "It'll dry and if it doesn't I have more than enough money to buy a new car." I slowly nod. Ryder turns on the heater and starts to drive home. We make it home pretty quickly. I run inside. I stand there shaking a little. "To the bathroom little one." Ryder says as he closes and locks the front door.

I run up the stairs and into the bathroom. I turn the water on and get undressed. Though getting out of the wet clothes somehow makes me even colder. Ryder wraps his arms around me hugging me in a backwards hug. "My little Angel you're shaking." I nod "I-I'm cold." Ryder chuckles "that's why we're showering." I nod and slowly walk into the shower. Ryder joins me.

We shower and get dressed. I walk downstairs and turn on the tv. Ryder walks downstairs a little bit later and looks from me to the TV. "Vampire diaries." He says and I nod. I smile and pat the spot next to me. "I was actually going to start making din..." I do my best puppy dog eyes and I stick my bottom lip out pouting.

Ryder sighs. "Angel I have to start dinner." I huff "hmm." And cross my arms across my chest. "Angel." "Hmmm." I huff again and he sighs. He walks over to me and picks me up. "H-Hey." I say surprised. "I was watching t-tv." "What you were doing was being a little brat. And since you want to be with me and I have to make dinner you're going to be in the kitchen with me." I sigh "I-I wanted to watch the with y-you." "Yeah and if I did. Dinner wouldn't have been made and we wouldn't eat." I shrug "so."

"So you have to eat." Ryder says and I sigh. "I-I know." I sit on the counter kicking my feet as he makes dinner. The door opens "are you guys home? You're not fucking are you." I hear my dad's voice say.

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