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In 2000, Sam Beckett programmed the Quantum Leap Accelerator to take him Back Home. It was then he was Reunited with Dr. Donna Eleese-Beckett, Dr. Samantha "Sammy Jo" Fuller, Al Calavicci, and Dr. Irving "Gooshie" Gushman.

In 2001, Sam began to write the Records of his 97 Leaps he had done, from his Time as Tom Stratton to the One in the Mining Town his Date of Birth. Sam had only Leapt into 3 real Life people: Lee Harvey Oswald, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, and Elvis Presley.

By 2004, Sam Had Completed the Records of his Leaps, And signed all of them. Some of them were with a Disclaimer, because what Sam Changed wasn't meant to be confused with the Original History.

In 2005, Sam began Writing an Autobiography Titled: "Leaping on A String: My Story of How I came up with the String Theory, formed Project Quantum Leap, and a brief collection of my Favorite Leaps." He published it in 2006, receiving his Second Nobel Prize in 2007, his First One Came in 1977 for Science.

In 2010, Al Retired from the United States Navy and was given a Distinction. Sam Also went back to Elk Ridge, Indiana to Visit his brother Tom, who was on leave for the Birth of his Daughter. His Second Child, because after he left Vietnam and Got married and had a son Named Thomas. Tom had fought Two Other Conflicts, The Persian Gulf War and Iraq.

In 2012, Sammy Jo Got her Degree in Quantum Physics from the University of New Mexico. Sam attended it and Congratulated her on the Success. Sammy still didn't know Sam was her true Father.

In 2015, 20 years after alerting Al that Sam prematurely stepped into the Quantum Leap Accelerator, Gooshie Semi-Retired from the Project to spend more time with his Family. The Assistant Technician Position was Between Dr. Eleese-Beckett and Dr. Fuller, and Sam chose Donna, for she had Five Doctorates, Including Computer Science.

In 2018, Sam began Upgrading Ziggy to Expand her Memory Banks to go to at Least 2020. This would make it Possible to Travel back to Certain People in the 90s or the Early 2000s.

The Upgrade was finished in February 2020. Sam knew that he was only 3 leaps short of 100. Then the Coronavirus Pandemic Hit. Forcing PQL to shut down in March along with the rest of the US.

Sam got Permission from the New Mexico State Government to reopen the lab that June. Gooshie just stayed home as he was high-risk and Semi-Retired.

In August, Sam turned 67. The Next day, He asked Sammy Jo if she would like to take Dr. Beckett's Place as Leaper. Sammy Jo declined, as she was more skilled in Technology. Sam was fine with this.

Because by September, Dr. Beckett, asked Donna and Sammy Jo to activate the Accelerator, at least for more Leaps to make it to at least 118. They activated the Upgraded Accelerator, Dr. Beckett stepped in once again, Al went into the Imaging Chamber, and Sam vanished into the past, striving to put right what once went wrong once more before his eventual retirement...

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