Raf's Great Idea

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"Bad news, buds. I haven't found anything good for building of Miko's model," Jack informed his friends.

Miko and Raf stood up and came to him, sying the same information as him.

"Did you try a junkyard?" she asked. Jack nodded.

"Never mind. So we come up with something else." She paused.

Raf thought about. "What about creating a 3D model in a program on my laptop? We could then make something looking like a poster!"

Jack cheered: "Hey, that's a good idea! We still won't have it in a reality-looking. We'll have something at least."

Miko gave him her notebook and he had run to the tent.

"And what about us, Jack? Too bad the pumpkins are sold out."

"Don't worry, it's gonna be amazing!" It seemed Raf heard them.

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