Chapter 3

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Atsumu's POV

I was startled to say the least.

Because 1) The prettiest woman I have E V E R seen in my life from this morning was in my home and 2) She was with Kags so Kags knew her which meant....I could get to know her 😏

"Atsumu has a what?" Tobio asked tilting her head a little to the side "Uh," Tooru was shocked because Iwaizumi was staring at her with a brow raised. Tooru looked Iwaizumi up and down specifically at her abdomen. She was wearing a hoodie crop top and shorts with Nikes. I followed the gaze to her stomach and- Oh. OH. I was amazed. I turned to Oikawa and nodded. Her face got red faster than I've ever seen. "You weren't lying." I whispered. I shook my head and turned back to Tobio.

"I have a nothing. Can you speak with us for a moment." I strained a smile and Tobio walked over grabbing Tooru's hand and walked to my room "You can have a seat on our couch if you'd like. Tobio will be back in a minute." I sprinted to my room tripping a bit and heard a little snicker. I closed my bedroom door and saw them sitting on my bed. Tooru's face was red and her head was in Tobio's lap as she curled up on my bed. Tobio was sitting crossed legged with her fingers running through Tooru's hair she had a confused face on as she stared at me.

"Is something wrong Atsu?" "Why are your crushes in the living room?" I raised a brow. She stopped running her fingers and pointed it at Oikawa "Oikawa said you liked Sakusa-san so why didn't you mention she's your crush?" She redirected the problem to me "I- umm," my face started to flush and Oikawa shot up "DONT LIE!" She yelled "SHHH!" I whisper shouted "Shut the fuck up!" Her eyes could've rolled to the back of her head with how hard she rolled them "Listen hear I saw her and I'll even say it. She's hot so I can see the gay panic, and with that red face your sporting I'll say my suspicions are correct." She raised a brow "THIS!" I pointed my index finger and made a circle insinuating all of us "AINT ABOUT ME!" I took a deep breath and lowered my voice "This is about Tobio bringing Iwaizumi and Sho-chan into our apartment out of the blue.
N O T my undecided crush." A knock startled us. I turned and peeled my head out the door. "What is i- Oh hey sho-chan do you need something?" She nodded "Can you tell Tobio we're getting ready to start work?" She mumbled a bit finding the floor V E R Y interesting. "Yup!" I smiled giving a little thumbs up "Ok thank you." She have a bright smile before turning around and running away.

I turned back to my room and closed my door. "Sho-chan so likes you. And their ready to start the project." She nodded and stood walking towards me "We WILL be discussing this later Tobio-Chan same to you Tsumu-chan."  Oikawa followed Kageyama our the door. I rolled my eyes and sat on my bed. I googled Sakusa because I've SWORN I've heard this name before. 'I think I heard it in a News Article.' There were THOUSANDS of links that popped up.

'Sakusa family donates 10,000 dollars to cancer research' 'Sakusa family opens another hospital to their grand hospital chain spreading through Japan. Rumors say they've opened a couple in the US, UK, and Australia!' 'Hier to the Sakusa fortune Sakusa Kyoomi has enrolled in Haikyuu College and is NOT studying in the medical field to someday take over the family business as her older siblings have yet to take their place. The question is who is gonna take over the legacy.'

I click on one of the links to the name Sakusa Kyoomi

'Sakusa Kyoomi facing backlash on Social Media for coming out as trans. She says

"I don't care for people's opinions, I've been judged before. I live for my happiness and mine alone. Why should I let others judgements effect me. I was not happy in my own skin as a male and my parents knew this. They took me to talk to people to make sure I knew what I was getting into and I knew what I wanted and they spent the best money to make it so I was comfortable in my own skin. If people were really fans then they wouldn't care or mind that I'm trans they'd respect my pronouns, my feelings, my body choices, and otherwise. If your bothered by it then be bothered don't take it out on me."

The youngest Sakusa also says

"I'm still attracted to females. Nothing about that has changed. If this is also a problem you should leave now because your gonna be mad when I post about my next relationship."

And a week later she posted a video of her and another woman sharing a lunch. Her mask was down and a smile was on her face.'

That was posted 3 years ago when she was in her 2nd year of highschool.

'Kyoomi now runs safe havens all around Asia for the homeless of the lgbtq+ that were shunned from their families for their sexual preference. It has 4 floors. First floor is for kids aging 12-14. Second is for children 15 and 16. Third is for 17-18, while the fourth is for young adults 19+ who's parents disowned them. The bottom floor is a dining hall. It also works so children 12-17 can find a home with parents who will love and care for them regardless of their sexuality. People 19+ can stay as long as needed until they find a job and a home to live in. Kyoomi visits often having a clinic in the basement so if the children are injured she can tend to their wounds, her siblings drop by whenever they can and she has staff on hand running the clinic when she's away. All of the staff and security have background checks and are very friendly. The kids love them. It's an all around safe haven.'

And the picture that popped up was the exact same Sakusa sitting in my apartment.

Word count: 1051
This was just updated I added a little to one of the paragraphs not too much. Chapter 4 is on its way 😁

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