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Pixel sighed as she left her home to go to school. It had been a few days since she, Cole, Kai, Nya, their parents, and Zane had been trapped in that house with those crazy werewolf hunters and hardly anyone was talking to her. After the adults had finished talking it over with each other they decided to report Thomas and Victoria to the police. They didn't want to risk their secret however so they reported it anonymously. It was all over the news the next day.

The teens got a good chuckle when they read the story.

Both the couple had both been arrested for possessing an unregistered firearm and as soon as they started ranting about capturing werewolves they were given a one-way ticket to the crazy house. Sadly, it didn't help smooth things over with Pixel and the others. As soon as they had returned to the city Nya, Cole and Kai had all but demanded she deleted all her research on them. She had refused to do it. Zane was trying to support his girlfriend's decision to keep her data but she could tell he didn't approve and all her friends' parents refused to let the human in their homes anymore.

Not after they had all found out she had hidden cameras in their homes to spy on them.

Kai, Lloyd, and Nya's parents had even told their children to cut off all ties with Pixel. To top it all off Nya had been making snide remarks every time she saw her. She kept saying how she hated secrets and how they ruined relationships. Pixel couldn't help but scoff at the irony of the situation. They had lied and kept the secret of them being werewolves from her for years and Nya clearly had no idea her brother and Cole were dating each other.

She was also fairly certain that the others and their parents didn't know either.

Pixel wasn't going to be the one to tell them. That was something Cole and Kai needed to do in their own time. She would talk to the secret couple at school today and try and convince them to come clean...


Kai groaned as he poured himself some cereal for breakfast. It was almost time for school and he had yet to get dressed. Nya was getting ready in her room and their parents had already left for work. He just didn't feel like going to school today, but their parents refused to let him stay off. He or Cole hadn't found out who was spying on them while they were busy making out in the bathroom at the creepy manor. They both hoped that it was one of the hunters but they couldn't risk it.

Kai had reluctantly told Cole that they couldn't do anything like that again, at least until they found out who it was for sure.

Cole had tried to argue, but the spiky-haired teen had put his foot down. Cole had suggested coming clean about their relationship but Kai had refused, still too scared at what his family would think of him and thinking about his father, Cole agreed. They had been up most nights texting each other. He was snapped out of his thoughts, however, when Nya suddenly walked into the kitchen, fully dressed.

"Are you going to school in your PJs?" She smirked.

"I can't be bothered." He groaned, eating a spoonful of cereal.

"I know, I hardly slept either." She sighed. "Was paranoid one of Pixel's cameras were hidden in my room, watching me."

"Can you give it a rest?!" He snapped. "She had good intention but a stupid plan!"

"Not until she pays for betraying our trust! I hate people keeping secrets from me!"

"W-What about when she didn't know about us being werewolves?" He asked. "I mean wasn't that us keeping a big secret from her?"

"That's different!" She snapped and went to her room to get her school bag. Kai just groaned in frustration, ready to pull his hair out...


Wolves Of Secrets Book 2Where stories live. Discover now