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"What did you say, Jungkook?" Taehyung's thumb lingered on the button (of the remote control) of the gates, but it never gained pressure.

The Alpha asked his question through a frantic smile that it was enough of an indicator for Jin's legs to start trembling. The man who threatened and broke a moment ago was nowhere to be found. That alone spoke for the title of this new tragedy.

"The doctor said if I get to be so lucky, I'll have this fall with you, Taehyung." Jungkook's voice sounded like it didn't come out of a human being's mouth. The young Alpha was rocky from bottom to top. His eyes were talking the meaning of his words; they were dead.

Jin was so focused on the man who just announced the date of his death like it was nothing that the sound of a loud thud made his chest as heavy as the atmosphere one could suffocate in.

If there was an ounce of hope to neglect, seeing an Alpha like Taehyung with hands and knees on the ground sang it all away.

"Y-you're lying. You just say this to stop me from killing Yuri. You're fine, Jungkook. You're b-better than me." His husband tried to play his status; he tried to impose his words, but with every breaking of his voice, he cracked an edge of Jin's heart.

Moments of wishing Taehyung would be less of an Alpha, he took them all as an insult now. Stone couldn't put aside the resistance to melt being naked to this vulnerability.

"It's not a lie, Taehyung. My condition is out of hope. The medication I take now is to only lessen my pain. The serious process of healing me is good to go. Even the chance of a heart transplant working for me is practically out of the window. This fall is all left for me to be with you."

Every sizzling word and Jin wanted to tell the younger to knock it off, but the roots of his body grasped the soil beneath.

When the piercing scream occurred, he could only cry inside. His hands started shaking severely to the hint of a 1st August breeze as if he was left exposed to the cruel, freezing blows of February.

"NO! NO! NO! No, no," Taehyung crawled to the younger tearing the knees of his pants and took both of his hands into his, "Y-you just need to change your doctor, baby. I knew the bastard couldn't be a suitable help. You won't leave me, Jungkook. Y-you can't leave me."

Clutching and hugging as though the death time was set on then, the older Alpha hid his face in Jungkook's shirt sobbing so painfully that the rest of the world cried with the helpless creature.

The calm breeze of before picked up along with the pained moans of the man and rustled the trees, making them sway their branches and grieve with the poor thing. An hour more there, Taehyung could have the summer sky cry with him.

"You can't leave me. What do I-I do without you, Jungkook? How can I live a life without you? You're my world. Don't leave me. Don't be cruel." Taehyung wept to weaken, making himself one with the younger.

The dead Jungkook a minute ago softened and dropped onto his knees, bringing the older's head to his sick chest, "Shush, love. It's ok. I'm here with you now. I'm right here."

The young Alpha rubbed his hand over Taehyung's back and put his chin on his head to feel his lover more.

"You're here with me. You don't leave me... I'll be ruined if you go. I won't be able to breathe once without getting smothered for ten times.

You can't go and make me deal with this big world alone. We promised to have each other's back. What would I tell Su? Tell him his uncle Kookie broke his promise to daddy. The column of my house and heart crumbled? He won't forgive me this time, Jungkook."

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