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Because of you, I'm becoming ruined
I wanna stop, I don't want you anymore
I can't do it, this sucks


"... Tou-san..?"

Riku hands trembled at the voice of his father. He can hear his father breath

".. Riku, the president of yaotome production called me 1 hour ago" his father said with worried tone.

".. What did they tell you?" Riku asked, he already has a feeling what that dirty man did.

".. Stay away from trigger or he will crush idolish7"

"... Pfft.. Really? He told you that? He never give up huh. Is this his plan by making us had an accident and amnesia? That dirty old man" riku scoffs at the thought of yaotome sousuke.

"Its not just him who called me. A member from the japan government called me too saying the same thing. I think his name is akihiko"

"Heh.. Another person and a higher one too. I bet this is something connected to trigger too. Sometimes i am tired to befriend with someone from an important society.." Riku mumbles tiredly.

".. Riku, come back to America. You can continue your idol work here. If you are worried about leaving your friend then please remember your position is in danger now.

The same people can do something bad to you, with your close friends forgot about you then you have almost no protection. If you are in America at least for a year or two then we have enough time to planning a revenge and your name will be well known here"

Riku stay silent at his adoptive father said. The feeling to not leave his friends and brother are there but knowing the consequences, he start to rethink again. If he stays then they will probably have more head pain (headache) and yaotome production or even the government can threaten him. But there is more chance they can remember riku.

If he stays away from them, they can have a stable recovery without anything to disturb them.  But, that's mean everyone won't remember him at all. Is this the best?

".. L-let me think about it for a while" riku says softly.

"Think it wisely, riku. Your life can be in danger depending in your choices. I love you, son" His father said before hanging up.

Riku stares at the phone for a while before throw it to the wall making a rather loud sound in the silence room

"I hate myself.. What did i do wrong? Why is it always me who hold the burden.. Why can't it someone else?! This sickness! This body! This weak heart! I want to throw it away!! I hate this!" Riku yells frustated with himself. He clench his fist so hard that it leaves mark.

"Ano... Nanase riku-san?"

Riku eyes widen at the familiar voice. Yes, the person who stand in front of him is none other than izumi iori himself.

".. Iori..? What are you doing here" riku asks with a flat tone, feeling exhausted with every hard moment he met today. He can't cry even if he feels like it. His heart is empty

"The doctor already told us we had an accident making us suffer from amnesia" Iori slowly walk in and sit himself down beside riku.

"What kind of connection you have with us?"

Riku tilts his head a little confused.

"You mean how can i know you guys?" Iori nods waiting for riku's answer. Riku chuckles amused

"What? I bet mitsuki-san made you do this saying something about buying you usamimi friends"

".. How did you know that?" Iori looks at him with surprised expression. Riku smiled

"I know you guys since 1 year ago. We practice together, eat together, live together, basically 80-90℅ of our lives we do everything together" riku starts.

Iori listen to it with curious face. His face getting more & more confused through the story riku tells him (riku modified it a little)

"..nanase-san, is it just me or you are like a member of idolish7?" Iori asks, riku smiled softly

"Ne iori. Before that, i want to ask you something"

"E-eh? Go ahead" iori replies a little startled.

".. If you are in a dangerous position where you have to leave your friends and there is only two choices.

One, you stay with them even though its dangerous because you want to protect & always want to be with them. But there is no guarantee you and your friends will be safe.

Two, you leave them alone because there are some dangerous people that can threaten your life. In one side, your friends and yourself will be safer. But on the other side, your friend will slowly forgetting you and you will be alone"

Iori eyed riku suspiciously. "So specific.. But i choose the second one probably."

Riku nods asking why. Iori thinks a little before answering

"I will let myself be alone if its can make my close friends safe from danger. Isn't it better for one person died than more than one died? You can find new friends or be friending with them again when the situation is stable"

Riku smiles and laughs making iori glare at him feeling offended.

"Nanase-san why are you laughing?"

"Gomen iori, your answer is exactly what i am expecting. I think you are right about that. Thanks for your answer, it makes me feel lighter and more determined at my own choice" riku says with a wide smile.

"Cute.. I MEAN no problem nanase-san. Now can you answer my question? Are you a member from idolish7?" Iori repeats his question. Riku turns to the window with a fond eyes.

"You could say i am a former member of idolish7... Now"

IDOLiSH7 : A Piece Of MemoriesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ