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"..iori, do me a favor please"

Iori who just stay quiet after hearing the red haired boy answer turn to look at him. Riku is smiling with eyes closed.

"Tell sougo-san i hope we can meet again someday in the future. Till then please take care of yourself & the others. If i stay longer, danger will come faster, here. Give this letter to him in the next 5 days" riku says to iori. Iori looks at him & the letter suspiciously.

".. nanase-san, this letter is-"

"Yes, its about you guys but let this be a secret between the three of us. This may lead to some useful clues to your memories. That's all i want to say, you better leave now or the others will come here too" riku push the boy away gently. Iori only nods and walk out before turnint around again

"... I don't know who are you or remember our past memories but.. I think you are a good person. I-its not like i will immediately trust you but at least in my eyes you are good" iori says with a red face and run out immediately.

"Pfft- even with memory loss you are still a tsundere huh iori?" Riku laughs fondly at his friend. 


"Now then.. I need to finish the rest" riku says under his breath as he reaches out for his phone.

"... Hello?

Yes its me..

I need you to do something at takanashi production. Yes, bring them the resignation paper. Bye.. Onii-chan" riku ends the call & lay down on the bed.

It is done, All he could do now is waiting till the day he departs to America has come.


Skip 5 days,

"Riku-kun, are you done packing?" Banri walks in the dorm room. It is full with boxes everywhere (riku's belonging) riku sighs tiredly

"I never know i have this many things. Though 90℅ of this are idolish7 & trigger albums and CD" riku says embarrassed.

"Hahaha, i still remember how you always wake up at 3 AM just to watch Yamato-kun's drama" banri laughs amused as he remembering the past.

"That probably will happen again sometimes in the future" riku says cheekily and walk out his room with his bag.

"We will wait for you riku-kun/myuu!"

Otoharu says from the couch in the living room. Kinako is sitting on his thighs with the president's arm wrapped around him (kinako is a boy or girl?)

"Otoharu-san! You don't have to come, i know with the recent accident so many media will want to interview idolish7"

Otoharu sighs tiredly. "You are or were a member of idolish7 so i will come to see you off, thank you very much"

"Better not fighting with him, riku-kun. Who knows what mr.president will do to you" banri warns him ignoring the offended man behind him.

"Uhn.. Goodbye banri-san.. Otoharu-san. Goodbye kinak- UMPH" riku yelps when the rabbit (?) Jumps and latch himself on riku's face

"Myuu! Myuu!" Kinako says (?)

"Kinako... Arigatou" riku eyes get teary as he hug the rabbit tightly.

"I don't know how he just understand kinako but I'm jealous" otoharu says gaining a weird look from banri.


"Iori-kun? What are you doing here?" Sougo looks at his friend surprised. Iori who supposed to be at his room suddenly appear at the hospital canteen.

The said boy walk to sougo who just tilt in head confused. Iori put the letter hurriedly on sougo's hand

"From nanase-san" he says shortly before leaving the canteen before sougo can react.

"... From riku-kun?" Sougo look down at the letter deciding to open it.

A decent paper with a rabbit drawing in the corner. He laughs a little at that and open the paper, reading its content.



The other people at that canteen turn around to see a flash of white running passing them holding a paper.

"To tobasco-chan,

Tobasco-chan, this may be my last message to you for now. I decide to left the agency & "rainbow" to go back to America. Staying in Japan will make the situation worse & dangerous. Gomene for telling you through paper,

I'm afraid i won't have the courage to go again after meeting you directly. Take care of the members and "gun"-san too! Tell "🍩" i love him too (even though he doesn't remember me) don't miss me too much!

who should rule? Should it be the one, the few or the many? How much power should they have over the lives of the people? How much command should the people have over their own lives? Should the rulers be accountable to the ruled? Is the state more important than the individual, or the individual than the state? Its all their fault, especially that evil father not father man.

What disappears as soon as you say its name? Don't forget to remember that with a "keep" in the front :D


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