Ch-14 I am the victim!!!

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Jimin- Woah! So the one more hurt was the culprit.

Maya--bitch, I am the victim.


Maya-- chill, I didn't die at the end.

Detective- can you describe the culprit

Maya closes her eyes and then continues speaking

Maya--uhmmm. Well, the guy was about a 10cm taller than me. He has mascular body and the women was scared. She was trembling after hitting me. The man was surprised to see her as well. The most important fact is she knew, they knew that I keep devices with me, so they were going through my stuff and my clothes.

Tae- the man also?

Maya- are you serious!?

Cherylene- and in the end, you left the message using groot.

Maya-- yes. You know I should make more of them for sale.

Tae- oh god you are still thinking of business.

Jin- this is why she is the chairwoman and you are not.

Detective- well thank you miss. I will be going. Get well soon.

jimin- how could you be so certain with the measurements.

Maya- I majored in software and mechanical engineering. I have enough experience to tell the measurements of anything with a look.

they make a face of impressed.

Namjoon- we will come later, we should go now.

Tae- I will come in a while.

Maya- please take this piece of shit with you.

Tae- there is a person at loose who is tryna kill you and you are telling me to leave you alone.

Maya--I have a freakin bodyguard.

min joo- I have to strengthen security and help the police investigate.

Maya- hello? sir, that's the police's job.

tae- I will go marry bae Ji jyun then.

Maya- Go, I dare you.

jimin- she responded. yeah. victory.

taehyung licks his lower lips and turns smiling to Maya.

Maya- yes, we need a serious conversation regarding this.

Maya- so, cherylene pls call attorney Jang and call bae ji jyun also. hey, sloth where are the copy of the document I gave you bring it.

cherylene called attorney Jang.

and jimin called bae Ji jyun. after about 10 mins both of them arrived.

attorney Jang- I never thought you would call me from your side. do you wanna write a will now, that you almost died without a will.

Maya- I have a will.

attorney jang- sure the will that states to give all of your properties to the who cries the most at your funeral. ofc. WHAT KIND OF WILL IS THAT!!! I never legalized that, is it a competition with the prize as your property.

Maya smirks and says... "dismiss it, I ain't dying so soon. well, where is bae Ji jyun."

bae Ji jyun- I came, oh darling I thought you died.

jin- HEY! what are you saying?

jimin-she certainly wished she died.

Maya with a disgusted face says. "get off me!"

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