Art witchcraft

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This is a chapter for all my fellow artists out there. Here are a short list of some witchy things you can do with your art.

you can use color correspondences

use your favorite paint brush or pencil as a wand

write sigils and petitions on a canvas then paint over it

find a way to incorporate and hide sigils in your drawing. (sigils that look like constellations are the easiest to hide.)

you can use different types of water with your watercolors

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you can use different types of water with your watercolors

you can use different types of water with your watercolors

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(moon water and sun water are also options)

you can make your own tarot cards

you can draw in your BoS and Grimoire while chanting with intention

decorate your altar with your own handmade creations

offer art to your spirit guides and deities

design a clay chalice

draw a spell mandala

use henna to create temporary ritual tattoos

charcoal drawings for banishing (charcoal is amazing for banishing. you can also use it for hexing)

create a mosaic altar tile

use doodles of someone as a taglock in a spell

use dirty paint water for curses or inspiration spells

unable to burn stuff? drench it in black ink or paint instead

Use mechanical pencil lead in curses by break it up. very effective for writer's block and creativity block curses

Make your own ouija boards, crystal grids, pendulum charts, etc on some matte board or foam board using paints to make unique affordable tools

Use chalk dust for warding and protection spells

Buy chalkboard paint to turn a wall or other object into a chalkboard for sigil use, spell writing, organization, etc

do colormancy ( )

Use whiteout for banishing and invisibility spells

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