jacksepticeye (antisepticeye)

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Regular oneshot
Male and female reader
I am no longer goimg in a system (mark, jack then felix) i will write randomly as i get new ideas

Anti's pov

Have you ever pretended to be asleep and heard people talking about you? It could be good or bad talk, but it's still people talking right, and you can always just open your eyes and tell them to stop right?

Not in this situation. (Y/n)...

They've been in a coma for about six years now, well, it will be six in just three months. What happened? No one knows. They were found outside of a target in the middle of the night by a passerby. People have been starting rumers that it may have been their significant other, Jack, but more than half of the internet doesn't believe it and they're right to, because it wasn't him.

Only (y/n) knows who did it to them but they can't do anything about it, they can't do anything at all, well, there is one thing they can do, but no one know about it. They can listen and think. They can hear everything around them.

They've heard machines, doctors, nurses, family members, Jack and from time to time, my voice too. But, they've heard Jack more than anyone else actually.

He would stay late nights, telling (y/n) about his day, talking about anything and everything he could think of.

(Y/n) has heard him cry, laugh, talk, they've even heard Jack yell at their family members when they wanted to 'let (y/n) go'. He refused to have the machines unplugged, to lose the love of his life. He knew that one day, (y/n) would open their eyes again and jack could hold them again and never let go.

He wished he could find the one who did this so he could get justice for what they have done to (y/n)

Little did he know that (y/n) wasn't really happy to hear Jack's voice because they knew, hidden, deep within his voice, was mine, they knew that if they ever did 'wake up', i would come out to play again, oh how fun it would be to see the look of terror on their face once more, but, I'd have to be more careful not to have them slip into another coma again.

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