1.The underworld

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The huge Castle stood in the middle of the demon world. It showed a proud empire even if the whole underworld was covered in darkness.

"Stop there you wicked demon!!" A male voice echoed the hallway of the castle. Two demons were running. The younger one have a wand in his hand while the elder one is trying to catch him. "Catch me, Gorgon, or collect your precious wand from the bloody well!!" The said male laughs while running. But, suddenly trips and fall. He gets caught by Gorgon, the demon king's cousin brother. "Got you! How dare you run away like that?? Ipos,You know I am too weak for your speed!!"

"Yeah, yeah! I got it, you are old!" Says Ipos but gets a beat on his head from Gorgon. He then helps the younger to get up from the floor and takes away his wand. "I told you don't touch the wand. You will definitely throw it  somewhere. It's our family's pride you idiot. The demon king is spoiling you too much. Just because he cares and loves you so much because you are the youngest, don't use it too much!!"

Ipos chuckles "Ooh.. you looks jealous!." Gorgon scoffs in disbelief and rolled his eyes " jealous?huhh!!why would I be?"

Do  you know what's older than you and your wand in this palace??"
Gorgon stares at the younger in confuse"what is it?"
"It's the demon king's cape"!! Iposlaughs out loud echoing the whole Castle. Gorgon looks at his scary little brother with a sad face. Ipos stops laughing after receiving a flying golden pot on his head.

"Ouch!!" He groans in pain and rubs the back of his head, turning back to see who threw it. He widened his eyes to see two fierce looking eyes with a slightly smiling face. The man was taller
than both of them. He had a silky red cape that touched the floor. He was stronger just by his looks. He pushed back his golden hair from his forehead

"How dare you insult my cape??!!"
"Oops!! It's the demon king" Ipos says with a funny smile. Gorgon walks towards the king and gives him a hug.

"Hey Armaros! Glad to see you brother! So how was your wandering over hell?!!!"
"Hhmm. Nothing much as always!" Armaros says with a sad face. "I'll catch you guys later." The demon king walks towards the throne room. Ipos waves his hands gesturing a bye.

"He is really trying his best to find the cure for this world" Gorgon sighs. "Hhmm.. I feel sad for the demon king too!" Ipos says clutching on to his brother's arms. Gorgon pats his little brother's silver hair and cooes.

They walked to the end of the balcony and stares at the darkness of their world. " We don't deserve to be in this darkness! Right brother??" Gorgon sighs and replies "I don't know! Who's fault it is! And who should lift the curse. Let's wait for the right person to appear. Can't even say where that person will be coming from. A demon, an angel, or a human?"

Both of them stood there and sighs.
"I am tired brother. Let's go to earth!!"
Ipos says with a pout which Gorgon can't refuse. "Ok then. Let's take Armaros with us. He needs a break too!."

Ipos nods agreeing and smiles happily.

"So you guys forgot about inviting this poor angel for your trip? How rude of you!!" The brothers startled by the sudden voice. The turns around to see an angel sitting on the top of the pillar.

He had a bright face with huge white wings. His eyes were golden and shiny with cherry lips. He was short but was perfect. His angelic appearance enlightens the whole Castle.
"Park Jimin!!! You little brat! You scared us!!!!"


      😆 Ok! That was a short one because it's the first chapter. But
next will be a little more long. I'll try my best to update earlier.

Plsssss!! I need supports and my internet hates me 😐.
With park Jimin as a real angel, I've got lots in my mind. Please share what you feel💜

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