Love is in the air!💖

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Jimin laughed at Airee's response. They walked forward. "Where are we going?" Airee asked. "To meet Armaros,of course!!" Jimin replied. "Why now? Let's meet him later, anyother time!"  Airee asked holding onto Jimin's hand and stopping him.

"You will have to meet him anyways. Why keep these delays?" The angel asked and continued walking towards the throne room.

Airee's heartbeat was speeding up as she took each step forward. As soon as she was approaching the throne room, and saw the red curtains in it from a distance, Airee was getting really nervous. She let out a deep breath. Jimin noticed it, but kept quiet.

The entrance to the room was made out of wood and had beautiful designs in it. Airee touched it with her left hand and slowly stopped there leaning her head towards the wall. Jimin turned and saw her face becoming red. "Relax! It's just a small talk. You are not alone. Also, We'll leave the room together!"  Jimin tried to calm her down.

He then stepped inside and sighed. The throne room was empty. Airee peeked from behind and saw the king wasn't there.  They looked around and saw a guard. He walked towards him and asked for the king. The guard replied that the king went to the see the northern disaster. Airee, along with the angel, walked out.

"I told you! He doesn't want to meet me. Maybe, he doesn't like me. He knows that I am here. He should have talked to me in the morning, or at least just stayed here!!" Airee got angry towards the angel.

"I thought that he was here.  And, north side isn't too far for him. He will return within hours. He can either fly or teleport, if he wants to. So just, stop whining . You will meet him soon. And stop blushing!" Jimin giggled and ran as Airee realized what he said

"Who blushed? Airee hit him with her small hand and ran after him.

The northern side

Armaros got down from his horse and walked towards the destroyed land. Even the sand was turned black. Nothing was left there.  He could see dead plants and animals. He sighed and turned.

The king sat there for a while. One of his guards was with him. He was busy steadying up the horses. Armaros was still thinking about Airee. He leaned his back to a rock.

"How can I face her? Someone, especially Gorgon and Jimin, will definitely try to make us meet. What will she think of me? I should have stayed and at least say a 'good morning'! I hope she won't think that I run away because of nervous.... Wait! Why am I nervous?? Do I have feelings for her? I have met her before, but, why is it feeling different this time? Maybe, I should figure out that first! Even if I have feelings, what if she doesn't have any!!? Huhh this is so crazy!! I am the strongest demon king. I can't get defeated  by a human! A small human! A small, cute, petite, beautiful human with doe eyes!!!"

Armaros was thinking seriously but suddenly remembered about her beauty and fell into a Bliss. He suddenly snapped himself out of it and hit his own face.

The guard was standing a few steps away, looking worried about the crazy king. He then walked towards the king and asked about Leaving. "Uumm no! Let's just wait until evening! I need to see if anything happens here! " Armaros said without looking at him, then looked down at his lap.

The castle

"Did he actually went to see the northern side, or just run away because he doesn't want to see me? It's just a stupid prophecy or some other stuff! Maybe he have someone else in his mind or I'm not his type. Am not even a Demon! I don't belong here!"  Things were running in Airee's mind too.

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