Falling for you🍁

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Airee went back to her room really upset. Gorgon and Ipos came back to the castle. Gorgon went straight to the king.

The throne room was empty so he went to his room. There he saw Armaros sitting on his bed staring at the dragon seal in his hand. Gorgon greeted him and entered. "So, did something happen?" He smirked at the king who was blushing. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you were left alone with your soulmate. Did something happen between you two? I could feel something fishy. Look at your cheeks!" Gorgon laughed lightly.

"Huh! it's nothing. She just talked about the test and was ready to do it. So I let her hold the seal. She still don't know that it was a test, which she passed easily!" Armaros sat expressionless.

"Wwoww!! That's a great news. You got the love of your life! Everything will be back to normal now. Why are you still upset!? It's time to celebrate!
THE KING IS IN LOVE!!" Gorgon screamed in happiness.

But then noticed the disappointed king. He sat next to Armaros and put his arms on his shoulders. "Alright! That was crazy. Now tell me what is wrong with you? Why are you not happy?"

Armaros sighed heavily and turned to face Gorgon. "It was good at first when I found it, but, now... When I think about it... I don't feel it right. I've been asking myself these questions ever since she came here. I'm just a Demon and she's a human. She have been living with those cruel humans. She deserves to live peacefully. It's unfair if she doesn't want  to live with demons!"

"Armaros, what are you trying to say now?" Gorgon asked in a deep voice.

"I'm just saying... Maybe, we should let her go. She deserves happiness, not darkness. She might not like me. She's waiting for the test and to Know her fate. What if this will give her a heart attack? I don't want to see her cry! I don't know why but deep in me, I want her to stay. But my brain says I should let her live the life she wants! It's crazy! I know! But I can't control it. I'll just take her back to Earth. I can't understand my feelings. She's just getting into my nerves. It's been a month and I still can't even look at her. I'm the king here. But I'm having this weird feelings. I want to see her now! But I can't face her! Oh Great Dragon! I need help!" Armaros stood up from his bed. Gorgon was smiling. His eyes widened.

He stood up and walked towards Armaros. "Gosh! Armaros! You are in love! It's real! It's the true Love!"

"What?? No!! That's insane!! Am not!" He tried to avoid eye contact with Gorgon.

"You need time to figure out your feelings idiot! You don't know when you will fall for Love. You just need to realize it. Fine! Don't think about it now. I'll give you some time." Gorgon was leaving.
But he suddenly turned to the king "Ah! And about what you said! Firstly, She lives with those cruel humans, as you said, so it's better and safe if she lives here. Second, she's your soulmate, she must stay around you. Third, as the prophecy says, your love will save us from the darkness. So, no more darkness and she'll be happy here. Fourth, we don't know about her feelings, so we'll figure it out slowly. Fifth, you are the only one in both worlds who can protect her. Don't back down from it. If you take her back, she'll definitely feel lonely. All she have is us. Infact, She's  having this crazy life because of us, bcz she's destined to be here. She won't be able to feel happiness in anyother world. That's destiny! Her life is already decided. If you let go of her, then her life will be meaningless. Her existence will be meaningless! And finally, you are still blushing!" Gorgon smiled sweetly and left.

"We still have to know her heart? It's going to be more scary! Will she leave me? Uugghhhhh!!" The king jumped to his bed.

Airee came back to the balcony. She felt the same wind again. "Jimin!" She screamed even before seeing him and turned around to see him. But he was nowhere. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder and saw him smiling sweetly at her. " How do you know it was me? Did you miss me?" He asked and pinched her cheeks.

" Well I really needed to ask you something, since I talked with the king!" Jimin widened his eyes "You talked to him? Oh that's great!" He looked down. They started walking.

"Yeah! I asked him about the test. He agreed and handed me that Dragon seal but suddenly snatched it away from me. I don't know why but he just disappeared quickly and said that he will announce the results later!. I need explanations. But I can't find him or Gorgon. So, you must give me answers, since you know everything and you are alll..All mighty!!" Airee looked at him.

Jimin giggled to Airee's comment. Suddenly Gorgon came to them. "Hey guys. So, Jimin, you must have known about the test completed!"

"What! It's completed! When?" Airee was confused.

"Silly! You can still hold the seal. That's the test. You are capable of staying in this world. You can touch the sacred, underworld things. So you are special. Only you can be his soulmate. And, your name itself, rhymes with Ilene, you are the bringer of light!" Jimin explained.

"I'm his soulmate? " Airee felt something in her heart and suddenly started blushing after hearing that title. She was smiling slightly. Gorgon noticed this and he started to smile too.

But it was soon dropped as Airee's smile was dropped suddenly. "But, that's just it! He doesn't want me to be his soulmate. If he did, he would have told me so. He doesn't even look at me. I feel like... I'm here for no reason! I'm just a weak human and he's the strongest demon. How am I supposed to be his?? Why's this so difficult? My life is so pathetic. Even if I have feelings for him, he might avoid me! And marry a Demon!! Uughhh!!!" Airee ran to her room.

Jimin looked at Gorgon. "Well! Boyfriend- girlfriend things!" Gorgon said raising his shoulders. "Yyeahh. Lover's quarrel!" Jimin said laughing. Gorgon left laughing along.

Jimin was left alone. He sat on the bench looking down on his lap at his interwined fingers.

"What if it was me, Airee? Will you have the same feelings and worries?" Jimin smiled softly and sadly then closed his eyes, breathing in heavily.

Hi reader!

That's my most favorite BTS song💝
And I really wanted to share it with ✨😍 I believe that it suits the situation perfectly!

I'm glad that the viewers are increasing day by day. I'm not sure if I could reach 1k! 😂😂 But I'll still try!

But it will be really helpful if you leave comments too.

PLEASE keep supporting 💖💖

Thank you so much!!💋

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