You don't 'have' to love me! 💔

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Next day, Airee woke up earlier than usual. Cily gave her food and all. She wished to meet Armaros. Airee felt deep in her heart that it's too much and she'll destroy her own pride. But she also had this feeling that she have to stay by his side.

What worried her more was being his soulmate. "What if he refuses me as a soulmate?" Even the slight thought of it was worrying the human.

She walked through the hallway and found Gorgon. He was talking to the guards. She went closer and heard them talking about getting the swords, armour and horses ready.

"Hey! Gorgon!" Airee called him from behind . "Oh! Hey Airee!" Gorgon turned and walked towards her after signaling the guard to leave. "You're early!" He smirked.

"Yeah! But, what was that? Are you going for some kind of war?" Airee asked. "Well, it's nothing. It's just.. it's fine" Gorgon tried to avoid eye contact. "What's wrong Gorgon?" Airee asked again with a straight face.

Gorgon sighed deeply " Well, it's just that... A war might be coming.. the bad demons, they somehow got this news that the king have found his love." Airee widened her eyes "what does it have to do with them? Why are they holding a war for it? Is it that big news? And how did they know about it? Even I just figured it out yesterday!"

" Well.. it's really a big deal, Airee. The guards and other servants are really excited in seeing the prophecy coming true. Words were sent out to their homes, which was, unfortunately, shared with their neighbors and covered this whole world, including any bad spy. So it's easy. And they are just jealous, that's why they go for wars!!" Gorgon tried his best not to disclose the details completely and left.

Airee walked towards the throne room and saw the busy king. There were many more guards with him. He told them to guard the castle entrance and they left. "King!"Airee entered. "Oh! Hey!" Gorgon frowned. "Is everything alright?" She asked. "Uumm.. yeah. Just.." Armaros came closer to Airee .

She felt really smaller than him. She got a closer look into his shiny eyes, which made her blush. He hold her shoulders tightly with his long, strong hand. Her cheeks were all cherry red now.

"You should never go out alone! U get me? " He had concern and care in his words. "Sure.. why?" Airee asked him confused.

"Because it's dangerous! Don't ask for more and just do as I say. I'm the fucking king!" He tried to look away after realizing that he just used a 'no word' in front of Airee, which made her look at him in disgust. "Oh! Am s-sorry!" He stuttered and left the room fastly .

MAiree laughed at this after he completely disappeared from her vision.

Airee's pov:

NI was again walking through the hallway. Hoping to see him again. I feel like there's some kind of bond between us that keeps me missing him. I could see the guards and servants really busy than before. Even Cily was nowhere to be found. Ipos was running here and there. Not in his play mode, but helping the guards.

The guards are setting up some kind of a wall around the entrance of the castle. I never thought that there were this much guards in this Castle.
Some other demons,who are not guards but the king's subjects were also helping them. I am feeling curious and more suspicious as I remembered the king told me not to go out.

Uuhh.. I wish Jimin was here! That crazy one will never show up when needed! Gorgon was coming out from a room with swords in his hands. " 'xcuse me! coming thru~" he gave them to a guard and walked back.

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