The Great Dragon🐉

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As soon as the angel flew away, Airee was left all alone in the hallway. She walked through the rooms thinking what is her actual role here.

Suddenly, a woman hurriedly came in. She had horns on both sides of her head. Airee was sure that she's a Demon. She got scared at first but then remembered what Jimin said about the good and bad ones.

The demon looked older than her. Airee bowed before her to show respect for which the Demon bowed back and said "Ma'am! I am the servant here. If you need anything, please ask. Shall I bring you something to drink?"

Airee felt awkward as nobody has ever even tried to help her even for simple matters. She gasped and said "Oh! No ma'am, thank you. I can help myself. Thank you for the concern!"

Airee held her palms together, One over the other and kept it down showing more respect.

"Ma'am , I can understand. U must be uncomfortable with this surrounding. But it's my duty to serve you. You are the one we have been waiting for years. Please feel free to ask anything. I am your servant. " She bowed her again.

"Uhhmm...well.. I am really tired. Can I get a room here? Jimin said that I have to stay here . And, well, I have nobody waiting for me on Earth. So, can I stay ?" Airee rubs her nape.

"Ma'am, this is your place. U must stay. I will show your room." The servant lead her to a spacious room.

The huge bed laid on the center. It had silky red sheets. There were golden pots and sculptures on the table. The lamplight was on. It looked expensive. Airee's eyes widened seeing the beautiful room.

"Uuwwaahhh!!" she gasped.
"You can rest here, ma'am. This is your room. The next door is the king's. And my name is Cily. I'll be everywhere, cause I'm the head servant. " She smiled warmly.

Airee smiled back happily as she had nobody to give her such an affection.
"Please call me Airee. You don't have to call me 'ma'am' "

Cily gasped" U are kind too. Just like those prophecies!. But ma'am, we have to follow the rules here! I'm glad that you said that! Please take some rest"

Cily left the room with the other servants who were busy tidying up the pillows and all. Airee let out a deep breath and walked towards the bed. She sat on one side. It was so fluffy. She could already feel her body weight increasing and eyes becoming heavy. She crawled to the pillows and laid down. It was so comfy. Airee fell asleep within seconds.

But she didn't noticed the two eyes that were watching her from outside the door, the king..

The next morning, Airee woke up with the smell of pure coffee. She smiled even before opening her eyes. Airee sat up and opened one eye and saw Cily with a large smile.

She was holding a tray with coffee and some snacks. "Good morning, Cily!" Airee said rubbing her eyes.
"Good morning, ma'am , please have your coffee." Airee took the coffee and sipped once. She could feel the best of it. "Mmm.. it's so tasty. " Airee complimented.

"Of course ma'am. We have coffee beans growing in our gardens. We have to make everything here to get the best. Please get ready. Your highness might give a visit." Cily leaves the tray at the table and left the room.

Airee stood up." He'll come to see me? But, where's Jimin?!!" Airee stood up, giving out a yawn. She went to get ready.

The servants gave her a creamy white gown. She looked pretty in it. Airee was then walking through the hallway. She felt the wind and turned back. But there was nothing.

Suddenly, someone tapped her shoulder. She was startled and turned. "Jimin!! You scared me!"

Jimin had a wide smile. "Good morning, Airee. U look good! I hope you got a better sleep in this Demon Castle!"

Airee chuckled " Of course! Thanks! Cily was really good. She cares me a lot. " They started walking forward.

"But, Why are you late? I've been waiting for you since yesterday. You should have come early morning. Don't you know?"

Jimin blushed " Y-You was waiting for me?" Jimin stared at her doe eyes.

"Yeah!! Remember..Yesterday, We were talking about why I am here! You have to tell the story now. I'm soooooo curious . I can't wait anymore, I might die. I can't breathe.!!" Airee held on her own throat as she walked facing Jimin.

That was too cute for him. He pulled her hands away from her throat laughing " Fine, just stop this drama. I'll tell you anyways!"

Airee giggled. They started walking again.

Jimin cleared his throat. "This whole world was cursed a lot time ago, like, thousands of years ago"

Airee widened her eyes "cursed? By whom? What curse?"

Jimin stopped walking and crossed his arms, staring at Airee "You really need to keep quiet and let me complete this story. Questions and answers will be after completion. One more time, and I will go back to Heaven."

Airee gasped "Oops! Sorry. Please continue!" She smiled widely holding her hands behind her back.

Jimin smiled and walked forward. "This world was , and still, is controlled by the Great Dragon 🐲"

"A dragon now? Seriously?" Airee asked. Jimin stopped walking again and stared at Airee. "Oh!ok! Hushh!" Airee put her point finger on her lips.

Jimin continued. "The Great Dragon was the protector of this world. She was the strongest. Both the good and the bad demons were under her. Their trust, faith, and everything was the Great Dragon. She even had fights with other worlds, except Earth and Heaven, well she can't stand against heaven even if she is the strongest! She was the pride of this world. Her huge wings and strong head.. she was beautiful too. A perfect leader!! But she cursed her own world.........

Late updates! Sorry for that!!🙈.

I hope The Great Dragon is much better than anyother creatures in a Demon world!!

Just a few more chapters left. Please stay with me, until then!!😂😍💖

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