Broken Hopes

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The demons went back to their normal routine. But Armaros couldn't bear the lost hope. He never admitted it ,but he really believed that one day his love will come to him and clear away the darkness in his life.

"Let's wait for 10 more years. It won't be that long. Plus, the angels are with us. We will surely find Airee" Gorgon reassured the king .

"How long should my demon subjects suffer this darkness? They trust in me and I am just sitting here doing nothing. Should I summon the Great Dragon? " The king's voice cracked.

"No! No! Don't think stupidity! The dragon left for good. She will return when it's time. The Great Dragon doesn't need a notice to know what's happening in this world!"

Gorgon made Armaros realize the foolish idea. "Just wait brother! Hang in there! We are gonna find the cure!" Both sighed.

Years passed.....

The demons visited the Earth again looking for Airee. But no trace of her. They even thought that the king's love might be some other human and tried to set him up for human dates, which ended up in a huge disaster as Armaros burned the whole restaurant!!. They had to disappear from there as the owner called cops and told them to pay for it!!

Almost 10 years have completed since they met Airee. The Demons along with the angels had a huge hope in their heart. Jimin visited the demons often to check for the latest updates along with Tae,Min yoongi and Jungkook.

"Guys, Do you still have that hope you had 10 years ago?" The demon king asked. "She is just late. My mind says you don't have to wait another hundred years." Jimin reassures.

Jungkook,Ipos and Armaros were also with them at the throne room.

"I wished we had another choice! I am so sorry Armaros, that you have to go through these kind of situations. Your own future is on the line now,to save our world.  No other king would have gone through such difficulties. You can't even choose your own love.! " Gorgon shared his worries.

"At least, I have you guys. !! Armaros tried to smile.

The guards came running to the throne room. "Your majesty!"
"Speak!" The king stood up and ordered.

"The northern side is covered completely with darkness. Even the land is growing black. A few cattles died. Plants won't survive. Your father also informed that he won't be returning soon as the former demon kings are up with something . The demons on the northern side left to the nearest neighbors. What should we do now, your majesty?" The guard lowered his head and waited for orders.

The king fell back to his throne. Fear and regrets covered his face. "This is it! It have started. It's destroying slowly. No more 10 years! It's the end of the demon world. There is no cure.Our world is going to end up like those human stories. They believe that we doesn't exist and it's going to be that way. I am sorry brothers, I am not a good king. Eternity is a curse!!" The king sobbed. The guard felt sad too. He stood up and left the room.

"Don't be like that Armaros. You are the strongest king. You should be reassuring them!" Gorgon became angry.

"Reassure with what? Philosophy? Hope? Dreams? Nothing will work. It's ending anyways. Why wasting time on it? It's an eternal curse that even the innocent demons have to suffer. I have lost belief in everything. You talk too much about the Great Dragon. Have you ever met such a thing before? Everybody says many stories. Are those even true? Armaros was really furious by now. His voice echoed the whole Castle.

"Calm down Armaros! you look scary" Ipos hold on  to Gorgon's cape. Jimin and Jungkook stood without saying a word.

The king looked at himself and saw that his appearance was changing and his demon face was about to come out . The fire horns were already up. Armaros sighed and pulled himself together.

M"Ummm...Guys we are leaving now. Will be back as soon as possible!" Jimin pulled jungkook out of the castle and flew back to Heaven.

Gorgon stood in front of the king and scoffed. "I know you are really tired by now. But we got no choice. And don't underestimate the Great Dragon." He left the throne room with Ipos .
Armaros,as always was left behind.


The heaven

Jimin and Jungkook reached heaven. Both were invited by angel Jin. Jungkook wasn't in a play mode now. He understood that the situation is getting more and more weird.

Jimin and Jin sat down on the cloudy couch "the guards said that the northern part is over." Jimin explained everything.

"Hhmm. It's sad . They will be disappeared without seeing the light! But we can't use our powers to help them. That's against our rules. I got no idea. Maybe God wishes that the demons should end soon! Where exactly is this Great Dragon now?" Jin asked Jimin.

"I don't know either. But Gorgon says that it will come only at the right time."

Both sighed. The other angel came and sat around them. "What are you thinking kookie? " Min yoongi called him as he noticed that Jungkook was lost in thoughts which was unlike him.

"Nothing! I was just thinking!" Jungkook replied without making eye contact.

He left the room and went to the balcony of their heaven home. The heaven home was pure white and covered with flowers. Sooo angelic....
"They need help. I must do something, more than just talking." Jungkook smirked like crazy!!!!!!!



Heads up! Bunny lovers!! 🐰🐇


Angel Jungkook is up with something serious!! Will he break the rules???😯 Or just get beaten up and tied to another chair by Kim Seokjin???😂

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