You Are My Destiny..

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The angels were sitting and having tea. Jin was scolding everybody for letting Jungkook go by himself. The other angels kept quiet as the elder was really angry.

Suddenly smoke filled up the room. The angels saw a figure inside the clouds, slowly revealing it clearly.

"Ah!The prodigal" son returns!" Jimin saw Jungkook's face. But what made them gasped is, they saw a girl in his arms, unconscious. The angels stood up, mouths wide opened.

"Who's that, Jungkook? Is she dead? How could you bring someone to the heaven home? " Namjoon started scolding him.

"You don't know her, but Jimin surely knows her. " Jungkook smirked and put her down on the couch. Jimin looked at the familiar face and suddenly a happiness broke out of his face. "It's Airee!!!!" Jimin said eyes wide open. "Kookiiieeeee!!" Jimin hugged the younger.

"Yeah! I know, I know. Am awesome too!." Jungkook felt so proud of himself. Tae and Hoseok came to Jungkook and asked about the details.

While, Yoongi was sitting near the girl on the couch and was checking if she is really alive! "Wwaah! That's something. She didn't die." The pale face was curious.

Airee started to wake up, which startled Yoongi. He suddenly stepped back. Jimin came close to Airee. She opened her eyes and saw the familiar face. She then looked around and made eye contact back with Jimin .

"I know you! We met years ago. Why are you still looking the same?? And where am I ?" Airee was confused.

"Am glad that you remembered me. But , back then, I didn't get much time to introduce myself, and, even if I did, you won't believe!" The angels came closer. "We are angels. I am Jimin. The one who brought you here is Jungkook, they are Taehyung, Hoseok, Min yoongi, Kim  Namjoon, and Kim Seokjin. Currently,  you are in the Heaven."

"Ppffttt hahahaha. That's .... Just.. crazy!! So are you saying that I am dead?? "Airee laughed like crazy.

"Well, no! But you are about to visit the Demon world. It's super crazy down there" Tae said laughing at the human.

"What? So you've got a demon world too??" Airee stopped laughing.

The elders were shocked by Jungkook's behavior. But they came out of there shock suddenly and came close to the human. "Hey human! You can't stay here. And you belong to the Demon world, as we believe!" Namjoon made his move which Jin supported by nodding.
"So, Jimin will take you there"

Airee was surprised to hear that. "What?why ? I don't want to go to any Demon world. Just let me go home and stop these dramas!" Airee stood up from the couch.

"She still doesn't believe us" Hoseok said. "Fine! Come with me" Jimin dragged her out of the room and brought her to the balcony.

There she could see the beautiful clouds like ice cream scoops. There were glittery all over the place. Butterflies and beautiful birds, plants and all. The Heaven is always beautiful than anyother place.

"Ok now!! That's just some kind of another level CGI or something like a Disney world." Airee said crossing her arms .

"Aahh!! Then, watch this!" Jimin opened his huge wings which was so shiny.  " Now, you shouldn't say it's CGI!" He flew in front of her. And so did the others. After a few rounds,They came back to Airee .

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