Demon war

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As Airee left, a guard entered the room and informed the king about the borders under attack. Armaros suddenly stood up and took his helmet. He sighed before placing it on his head and walked towards Gorgon.

"Gorgon! We need to get to the border now. But..Airee will be alone here. Maybe I'll go and you stay here."

Gorgon chuckled" Tsk. It's ok! Jimin will be here anytime soon. He will be with Airee. I'm coming with you. You are still too young to go for a war." Gorgon walked towards his horse.

Armaros looked back at the castle once more and hopped on his horse. They went to the north.
Airee came running to the balcony and saw them leaving. She cried holding tightly to the wall and sat on the floor quietly.

The Northern field

Gorgon and Armaros fastened their pace and reached the North. Their the bad demons were setting up their post. Armaros took his bow and shot a fire arrow to it and was burned within an instant. They jumped down from their horse and walked towards the bad demons.

"You can still go back. Don't wait to see my wrath!" Armaros screamed to the demons.

The bad Demon's leader came towards the king." Oh! This little baby is making too much noise. Didn't your family teach you manners, boy? Respect your elders!" He made fun of Armaros.

Gorgon held tightly to his sword and brought it to the Demon's neck. "Piss off! Don't dare mess with the Demon king!" He spat on his face.

Armaros smirked. "You are not supposed to be here. That place beyond the hill is your world. We never came there. So you should respect some manners" Armaros said and looked around.

The other demons were a few meters away, preparing for the battle. "How are we supposed to stay there when you are enjoying your life here. We were cursed at the same time and now, I can't allow you getting light kissed and having a happy life. Let's enjoy the curse together! Or maybe, give me your girl. I'll take care of her. Then, no more battle. I heard she's pretty good!" The bad demons laughed in evil.

Armaros was all angry now. He signaled his demons to get ready.

"Then war it is!" He said like a whisper,loud enough for the bad Demon to hear. They walked towards their own soldiers.

Gorgon inhaled heavily and his chest was raised when he started talking "My brothers! This is the war we've been waiting for. An end to everything! Let's stay together and loyal to our almighty king! We may can't kill them, But will use all our powers to defeat the evil!

"Together we live!
Together we fight!"

The Demon soldiers chanted together with the king and Gorgon.
They turned back to the bad ones. They were hissing and raised their swords clamoring.

"Chaaargee!!" The leader screamed.
"Forward!!" Armaros screamed.

The good Demons and the bad demons ran towards each other, raising their swords. Some used their superpowers to lift the other from ground and throw them away into air.

Gorgon put his sword back and raised his hands. A bluish wind came through his fingers and he threw it to the nearest mountain, which exploded and fell among the bad demons, leaving half of them under the huge rocks.

Armaros was having a fierce full fight with the leader.

At the castle

Airee was waiting at the balcony, worried. Jimin came silently as always and was waiting behind her. But he could see that she's already lost in thoughts. Finally he poked her shoulder to get her attention. She turned around and glared at Jimin.

"Where were you? I really needed your help. And you was.. just.." Airee suddenly stopped talking as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Jimin was shocked to see her crying. "I thought everything was settled. What happened? I'm sorry, I wasn't here for you! Please tell me, what is it?" Jimin sat on his knees and cupped Airee's cheeks.

"I talked to him. I needed a clarification... J- Just not to let my thoughts wander and then hurt myself! I asked him whether he loves me or not. But he didn't give me an answer. I think he hates me for being on his side. It's like, he hates to love me! He said he can love me, but that's not what I want!." Airee whispered her last words.

Jimin put his hands around her shoulder and hugged her tightly. "S-shhhh.. it's ok. He's just too lazy to figure out his feelings. Just give him some time!"

"Can I go there? He's probably fighting with the bad demons and it's because of me! I can't stay here! We should help him!"

Jimin let out a heavy sigh."Airee, but.. I've limits. Well.. even if I am strongest than those demons, I am not allowed to get involved in a Demon war. It doesn't work like that."

"You don't have to! Just take me there! What's the point of my life anyways..
I would better die there. The prophecy may not happen as planned. He has to figure out his own feelings. That's my fault too!!"

"What are you thinking Airee? That is never your fault! And.. you still got many others who loves you. Now.. or later.. the prophecy will come true!"

"Please.. just take me there. I can't stay here. I can't breathe! I want to ask him something" Airee stood up ready to leave.

"Fine! I'll take you there!" Jimin stood up and held her hands

"I want to ask him, if he'll be happy.. when I disappear!"


Updated finally!!

Just a few more to finish 💕

Surprise at war ending😜

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