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The silence stretches out even after Jade leaves , numbness takes over Felix and he walks away paying no heed to Chan who had been trying to talk to him . The atmosphere is tense and uncomfortable.

Felix returns to his room to find his roommate Beomgyu studying diligently.  Felix lies down on his bed and opens his phone wondering if he should talk to Changbin.  Is it worth it after what he did to Felix . For Felix its too hard to accept that Jade could leave him just like that without a second thought.  It hurts.  It hurts even more that she's leaving him for Changbin , someone that he had grown to admire .

He turns to face the wall as silent tears stain his freckled face . Beomgyu gets a call and immediately gets up to leave , telling Felix that he'll be back by midnight . Felix sobs loudly now hugging the plushie beside him . He mutters out curses directed towards Changbin and Jade but he doesn't feel any better .

On the other side Violet thanks Minho for being there with her and heads to her room to take a shower , clear her mind and then try and find Jisung which seems like an impossible job these days .

She lathers herself with her bodywash as she lets the hot water leave her skin red and sensitive.  It's harmful but it makes her feel better . Her sensitive skin turns her attention away from her emotional pain and turns it physical.  She sinks down on the floor turning the water to the cold side and shivers as she breaks down .

It's all her fault she should have listened to Jisung first and then everything went wrong , absolutely everything.  Her minds wanders to Celia and her nails dig into her skin , she hates how jealous she is .

When she finally gathers herself up and exits the shower , she's too tired to continue anything and so huddling herself beneath blankets she falls asleep in a deep slumber .

Minho sits with Heather and Jeongin who tell him absurd incidents of Hyunjin and Seungmin to distract his mind from well everything .

He doesn't exactly know what to think of Jisung , he wants to hate him for never mentioning his supposed boyfriend,  for giving him hope , for kissing him of all things and then for leaving with absolutely no explanation. 

He hates how he still wants to know why , he hates that he can see the pain in his eyes , the he can feel that there's something wrong but can do nothing about it but overall he hates how much he cares about this certain boy whom he hadn't even for that long .

It starts raining then so they part way to their respective rooms except Minho who decides to get soaked , he takes run around the football field then walks up to the nearby building's terrace . He had come here to just lie down feel the the raindrops on him but he encounters Jisung instead sitting in the corner shivering . Minho's heart drops at how broken he looks.

"Jisung ! " he calls out gaining his attention . He tries to stand up but stumbles down immediately,  he looks weak , tired and hurt .

Minho silently picks him up and takes him down to his room .Jisung looks at him with teary eyes and tries to speak but is hushed up as Minho wraps a towel around him .

He tells him to take a shower as he hands him some of his clothes and Jisung simply nods and makes his way to the washroom . Minho worries over a lot of things as Jisung lets the warm water run down his body . First and foremost just how light Jisung seemed the first time Minho carries him was concerning but now he felt even more light adding onto Minho's list of concerns. He had also noticed bruises on his neck as he wrapped the towel around him making him worry even further .

When Jisung finally gets out after what feels like an eternity the bruises on his neck are clearer , Minho happened to have given him a t-shirt with a broader shoulder width . Jisung looked at him with fearful eyes and it pained Minho to see him in such a state . Minho pats the space beside him indicating him to sit down beside and he complied .

Minho was now unsure of what to say so he quietly wrapped himself around his small body rubbing the back of his head , Jisung in turn sinked into his embrace in content. 

Minho at that moment didn't care about anything all he knew is that he needed to be there for him .

Felix was in the library , reading his textbook in peace when Changbin entered holding the small notebook where he writes all of his lyrics . His gaze wandered on Changbin as he sat down on the other side . Felix sat there for a while contemplating if he should approach him about Jade or not , muttering out 'fuck it' he decided that he should .

He slammed his book infront of Changbin mot so subtly making the girls beside that table complain about the noise and sat down glaring at him .

"Hi?" Changbin spoke up confused.

"I hate you " Felix stated .


"I hate you "

"Why ?" Changbin was pretty confused to say the least .

"How could you ?"

"I really don't understand what you're talking about "

"I know you do "

"Felix get to the point "

"You stole away my girlfriend "

"Wait ! What?"

"Don't act surprised "

"Is that what she told you "
"Well yes "

"She approached me Felix , I rejected her "

"And why should I believe you "

"Why should you believe her "

"I've known her longer "

"Then you should know better "

" Stop you stole my girlfriend I hate you "

"Felix "

"What ?" He was just furious at this point.

"I'm not even a tiny bit interested in your girlfriend "

"Again why should I believe you "

"Felix ... I'm gay "


Poignancy [Minsung / Changlix]  (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now