Just Hole Punch Being a Child

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Hole Punch: Wheee! :D

Scissors: Stop jumping on the bed!

Hole Punch: Why? D:

Scissors: Because you'll break it!


Scissors: No, I-

Hole Punch: UR CALLING ME FAT! *Cries*

Scissors: *Sigh* I'm not calling you fat at all. You're just...heavy.

Hole Punch: SO I'M FAT! *Cries more*

Scissors: Ugh, no! I only said you're heavy!

Hole Punch: SO BASICALLY, I'M FAT! *Cries even more*

Scissors: NO! *Slaps him*

Hole Punch: Owww! *Cries again*


Hole Punch: Hey, Scissors!

Scissors: NO! *Hides*

Hole Punch: What? D:

Scissors: If you speak to me first, you're going to throw a rock at me!

Hole Punch: Oh, yeah! Great idea!

Scissors: NOOOOO! *Flies away*

Hole Punch: Awww... D:


Hole Punch: I'm bored as hecc...

Scissors: Well, go and find something to do!

Hole Punch: But Idk what to do.

Scissors: That's why I said go and find something to do, you dim-witted watermelon!

Hole Punch: *Sniff* That's mean...

Scissors: Don't you even start crying aga-

Hole Punch: *Cries*

Scissors: I CAN'T-

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