How to Make Someone Laugh if They're Mood

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Hole Punch: Hey, Scissors?

Scissors: ...W-what do you want?

Hole Punch: Why are you always so miserable?

Scissors: Because you never heccin' leave me alone!

Hole Punch: Two cows were grazing in a field.

Scissors: ...

Hole Punch: One cow says, "Do you ever worry about the mad cow disease?"

Scissors: ...

Hole Punch: And the other one replies, "Why would I care? I'm a helicopter!" *Laughs*

Scissors: That's just stupid...

Hole Punch: Awww... I thought that'd make you laugh.

Tape: I don't think he even knows what dat means.

Scissors: Shut it!

Tape: See?


Hole Punch: Hey, Scissors?

Scissors: *Sigh* What?

Hole Punch:

Scissors: ...You're an idiot, you know that?

Hole Punch: Yea. :D


Hole Punch: Yo, Scissors!

Scissors: Oh, for origami's sake... What?!

Hole Punch: What did the cop say at the disco party?

Scissors: *Sigh* What?

Hole Punch: "Everybody, get down!" *Laughs*

Scissors: ...

Hole Punch: Aw, come on!


Rubber Band: Hello, there. :)

Scissors: Oh... Hi...

Rubber Band: What's the matter?

Scissors: Hole Punch won't heccin' leave me alone cuz he's a witless cabbage!

Rubber Band: Well, why don't you stop being mood?

Scissors: Because!

Rubber Band: Well, that's a shame... *Slowly tickles him*

Scissors: *Snickers* G-get off of me!

Rubber Band: Ah, so you DO know how to laugh.

Scissors: *Giggling* Why do people like teasing me so much?

Hole Punch: Cuz it's fun annoying you! :D

Scissors: Sh-shut up, you!

Rubber Band: *Keeps tickling him* What's so funny?

Scissors: I-I hate you b-both!

Rubber Band and Hole Punch: Lol.

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