Gather Round My Friends

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“Hey, Cassidy,” Danny Worsnop screamed and slung an arm around my shoulders. He had obviously been drinking even though he had been trying to stop. He had stopped completely for a while. Now it was just occasional.

“Hey, Danny,” I replied. Danny and I had been friends since we were little. I had never really liked his obnoxious behavior, but after 10 years of knowing him, I had just gotten used to it.

“You’re the best merch girl ever,” Danny slurred drunkenly. Yes, I was Danny’s band’s, Asking Alexandria, merch girl. I always had been. When AA had started touring he had asked me to just help out. It soon became my full time job.

“And you’re the drunkest person ever,” I told him with a laugh. He wasn’t that drunk, though. “Come on. Let’s get you to the bus,” I suggested and pulled him to the back of the venue where the buses were. I sat him down in the front of the bus. I knew not to let him sleep it off. I had heard too many times that people die from 'sleeping it off.'

“You should really stop drinking again,” I murmured. It had been nice when he had been completely sober. He was my best friend again.

“I know,” Danny agreed and ran a hand through his overgrown brown hair. It was surprising that he admitted it, but he was kind of drunk.

Soon, Ben Bruce, Asking Alexandria’s guitarist, came on the bus. He was pretty drunk, as well. Was I the only one who had enough common sense to not get drunk every night? I shook my head at him in disgust. At least they always waited till after they played, well, most of the time. Before Danny stopped drinking so much there were more than a few times he played completely drunk. Then, I would end up getting mad at him, but it was just because I cared. He was my best friend after all.

“Hello,” Ben greeted and plopped down on the couch next to me. I could smell the alcohol on his breath and it made me more disgusted.

“Hey,” I responded with a yawn. I would go to bed, but I didn’t trust Danny to not drink anymore. I was pretty much the only responsible one.

“Tired?” Danny questioned. He turned his attention to me and looked at me with his blue eyes. Sometimes I thought he cared about me just as much as I cared about him, but then he went and got drunk and I went back to thinking he liked to make my life difficult.

I nodded. “Go to bed. I promise I won’t drink anymore,” he told me. There was no truth in that promise. He was drunk and probably had no idea what he had just said. He did sound like he meant it, though.

I shook my head making my long, straight brown hair swish back and forth. “I don’t trust you,” I counted as James Cassells, Asking Alexandria’s drummer, Sam Bettley, Asking Alexandria’s bassist, and Cameron Liddell, Asking Alexandria’s other guitarist, came onto the bus. They had beers in their hands. James almost handed one to Danny, but I grabbed it out of his hand. “See what I mean?” I asked Danny a little angrily.

“How do you know I was gonna drink that?” he retorted. I was not in the mood to argue with a drunken Danny, but I also did not want him to win.

“Because I know you,” I replied. I knew him better than anyone, even Ben, which was saying a lot.

“Ok, I probably would have, but you have no proof, bitch,” Danny told me with a smile. He called me bitch all the time. It was kind of an inside joke. When we were in high school, he called me bitch and I got really mad. He kept calling me it because he thought it would get me mad.

“I have knowledge, though, bitch,” I snapped with a smile. Yes, it is possible to snap at someone and be happy at the same time. That’s what Danny did to me. He was my best friend, but he made me angry.

A Love to Give (Danny Worsnop Fan Fic) [Book #1]Where stories live. Discover now