Chapter 06

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New white rays shone through the window curtains. It was pouring it's brightest on my face. It felt refreshing although it woke me up. I wandered through his room. It was like I wanted to know more about him. Something in the corner stole my eyes. I paced towards it.

It was a book shelf which was almost touching the roof. He owned books in every genre. He had the whole Harry Potter series plus   Cursed Child. One more thing, I'm a huge potterhead and I do snoopy happy dance when I meet another potterhead. Only in my  mind as I don't want to scare them away. Kat always teases me whenever I meet a new potterhead as she knows what I'm doing in my mind.

He had a great collection. He had most of my favourites in his shelf. Vampire diaries, Fault in our stars, Hunger Games, Sherlock Holmes, Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Mortal Instruments... the list goes on. I suddenly felt like I'm in the heaven. I was kinda happy about the incident happened last night as I got to know someone with same interests.

"You up?"his voice came with a gentle knock on the door which drift me away from the shelf.

"Yeah" I said while making the bed. I noticed that he was keeping his room clean so I didn't want to turn it into mess because of me.

"Good Morning Becky" he said putting his brightest smile which made me blush.

"Let's have breakfast, then I'll drop you at your friend's place."He said rubbing the back of his neck.

I noticed that he had got dressed already. And we went downstairs. The living room was kinda big and cosy. And he led me to the kitchen.

"Sandwiches are really good." I complimented him. Actually it was the most delicious sandwich I ever had.

"I had to do my things since I was little. My parents are busy so the practice made me a good chef."he said with a smile.

"Ah. I guess." I didn't know what to tell.

"So how did you bring me here?" I asked.

"Um.. Don't get mad.. As you were heavy I dragged you all the way here."he said with a playful smile.

And before control it, my eyes went bigger.

"I was just kidding " he laughed.

"Here, your T shirt."He said while handing over my T shirt.

"Go and have wash."he acted like I stink.

After having shower I hung his T shirt thinking about how nice he was.

"Let's go." I said after blowing my hair.

He put his travelling bag on the back seat.

"You going somewhere? " I asked.

"Yeah, to Seattle. I have to join mom and dad." And he started the engine.

"So ready to reveal your secrets?"he asked as we arrived our destination.

"I guess " I said with a cracked voice.

"See you at school." Then he pulled away.

'You got this' I said to myself and knocked the door. It was the first time I felt nervous to enter Emi's place. After two knocks Mrs.Carter opened the door.

"Emi home?" I asked nervously.

"Of course! She told me that you will be here. They are still sleeping. Come inside dear."

Emi's mom was cheerful just like Emi. She always likes to have us in her house.

"You look pale my dear. Is everything okay?"she asked in a worried tone.

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