Chapter One: The Beginning

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Life is like a book. We get a beginning and an ending. Everything happens for a reason, there is always going to be new challenges and surprises headed your way.

I guess going to Hogwarts was my biggest surprise of them all.

These events in your life is what makes it interesting. I guess my life is pretty boring. Well, it was until I came to Hogwarts.

My name is Moon Torres, and I've never known about magic until my fifth year. I always thought that these coincidences in my life were just that, coincidences. Apparently, these accidents have a deeper meaning.

I guess magic is the answer.

I never knew the meaning of magic until I received my letter to Hogwarts. Even my mother knew what Hogwarts was.

I get off the train as it arrives at Hogwarts. I didn't know what would be in store for me at this new school. I couldn't help but think about all the possibilities awaiting for me once I walked through those doors. I look over to my left and see a girl I was friends with when I was young.

Hermione Granger.

It's been years since I've last seen her. We were good friends until she disappeared from school one day. Some students said she transferred, while others said she got killed.

I couldn't believe any of them, until now.

"Hermione!" I say as I walk over to her. The brown haired girl turned around to make eye contact with me. Her eyes opened wide at the realization of who I was.

"Moon? Is it really you?" she questioned in shock.

I smile and nod as I hug her tightly. It was odd seeing her here. She's changed so much, and barely looks like her old self.

"Moon, this is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley." she explained, pointing to both of the boys. They both exchanged awkward looks before giving me small smiles.

"Hi, welcome to Hogwarts." Harry greets me kindly. "You'll really like it here."

"Yeah, what he said." Ron said shyly, tilting his head towards Harry.

They were both kind.

I really hope that Hermione is the same as she was before and that our bond didn't break. Unfortunately, people change.

The four of us continue walking with the rest of our classmates as we talk about our past.

"It all makes sense now. We caused the random accidents at our old school. I guess it was magic all this time." I sigh of relief, "And I thought they were just coincidental."

Hermione laughs at my words. I missed her.

"Look, be careful who you say your parents are. Since me and you aren't born to any witches or wizards, they call us a horrible name. They call us mudbloods. If someone asks you, just change the subject." Hermione says softly as we step into a boat.

I nod, still trying to make sense of it all. Why should it matter who my parents are? Well, not like my dad will care. He died when I was only five years old in a car accident. My mum never made me feel okay. She was never a really caring or supportive person anyways.

It's like I have no parents at all.

"What happens if I mention who my parents are?" I ask Hermione. She gave me a sheepish frown before sitting down in the boat.

"Don't mention it."

After we all got into the boat, it started to drift off into the dark water on its own. Magic was both scary and fascinating at the same time.

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