Chapter Seven: Question

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It's been a few days since the veritaserum backfire. Blaise and Pansy haven't talked to me for a while since then. Apparently they're dating, though they don't really show it. I am a little upset that he hasn't really talked to me. But hopefully that'll change today. In Mcgonagall's class she is assignment partners for the rest of the year.

Hopefully I get Blaise.

I walk into class and sit down in an empty seat. All the seats by my friends were full. After everyone sits down, Professor Mcgonagall starts her announcements. "I have noticed that many of you are not comfortable with your classmates. So I took the liberty of assignment you partners for the rest of the year." She announced.

The class sighs as I excitedly wait for my name. I couldn't wait to hear who I was partnered with. "And those parchments with questions on them are for you and your partner to go over. Now, let's start." She continues.

I look down at the paper and read the questions as I listen for my name. "Moon Torres and Lee Jordan." I look around to find my partner but he's nowhere to be seen.

"He's not here." A pale gryffindor boy with brown hair raises his hand. She smiles at him and nods to me. "Why thank you, Mr. Finnigan. Ms. Torres, please wait we will find you a partner." She exclaims and continues with the names.

Hermione with Blaise. Lucky.

Pansy with a girl named Lavender.

Victoria with Crabbe. I feel bad.

Harry with Ron. How the hell did that happen?

The names narrow down, as it gets closer to the end. I just wished I wasn't paired with Malfoy or Goyle. I wait patiently for it to be over. "And finally Draco Malfoy with Katie Bell." She finishes.

"Katie isn't here either." One of her gryffindor friends stands up. I look at the girl with confusion as she sits down. "Looks like Moon is with Malfoy." Ron whispers to Harry. I give him a look with wide eyes as Mcgonagall talks again.

"Indeed, you are correct Ronald." She says and motions for us to sit together. "No way, I can't work with her." He spat. The way he said it as if I wasn't good for him.


That's how he felt about me.

He didn't even try to hide it.

"Shove off, Malfoy stop being such a prick." Harry defends me. I give him a small smile before looking back up at Mcgonagall. "No exceptions, you must work together." She demands. I let out an annoyed sigh as I grab my things and sit down next to him.

Before I can sit down in my chair he pulls it out, making me fall on the floor. He just stares at me and laughs, typical Malfoy.


I laughed as she fell onto the ground. She got up and glared at me with hatred. "It's not my fault we're partnered together." She spat angrily. She's right it wasn't her fault.

It was mine.

Last night before I went to bed, I pretended to roam the halls as a prefect. Instead of doing that I found the list of names for our partners.

I simply gave both of our partners those puking candies the weaslebees have. And done. Me and Torres were partners.

I only did it so that I could bother her.

It was fun getting inside her head.

I liked it.


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