The War Goddess & The Badass

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Wednesday, NXT Arena

3rd Person POV

Ember Moon was sitting on a crate near catering, on her phone texting Alexa Bliss when she is approached by Bruce Prichard and some tall guy dressed in black. Bruce shakes Ember's hand before asking her to come with him and the tall guy. They walk into Bruce's office, the tall guy motioning for Ember to enter first. Nodding in appreciation, she enters the office before he does.

Bruce: Could you close the door for me, Jason?

Jason silently nods, shuts the door, and returns his attention back to Bruce. You might be wondering "what is Jason doing at Full Sail? I thought he was on RAW." Well, after RAW two nights ago, Jason was told by Bruce Prichard to meet him at Full Sail on Wednesday because he had an idea for his character that would involve a superstar from NXT.

Bruce: Adrienne Reese, meet Jason Calaway. Jason, meet Adrienne.

Jason, extends his hand. Adrienne reaches her hand out and shakes his hand.

Adrienne: You look familiar, haven't I seen you somewhere before? (Stops to think for a moment) Now I remember! You were the guy who was kickboxing with Aleister at the PC, aren't you?

Jason: That'd be me.

Bruce: Nice to see you two have at least heard/seen each other before. Now as to why I asked both of you to meet me tonight, I had an idea that could help push both of your carriers further.

Adrienne: What's your idea?

Bruce: Well in order for Jason to successfully defeat the Fiend, he's going to need to even the odds.

Jason: You're not gonna make her my manager, are you?

Adrienne: Do you have a problem with me being your manager?

Jason: Yes. Good talent shouldn't be wasted in a manager role. It wouldn't be fair to you.

Bruce: Luckily, you two won't have to worry about that. Neither one of you is being placed in a manager role. Adrienne, we know you'd like to be with your friends who are on RAW. And Jason, you could use the help to raise the stakes of your rivalry with Bray. You both will benefit from it. It's just something for you two to consider. You two can go and talk about it amongst yourselves after I have a quick word with Jason.

Adrienne shakes Bruce and Jason's hands before leaving the room.

Jason: What do you want to talk to me about?

Bruce: Your gimmick. You see, you are trying to wrap all of the personas your father used during his 30 year career. You should try focusing on one or two major aspects of your father's and let the other traits and aspects form on their own.

Jason: Got it. I'll focus more on the aspects from the American Badass and the Last Outlaw. Keep the supernatural, but add a little more to the natural part.

Bruce: Sounds good. Now let's not keep Adrienne waiting. (Standing up and shaking Jason's hand) Thank you for meeting with me.

Adrienne POV, while Jason is still meeting with Bruce.

While the guys continue talking, I pull out my phone and start texting Lexi again.

Me: You remember that guy from the PC that was boxing and kickboxing with Corbin and Black?

Lexi: You mean Jason?

Me: Yeah. He's at Full Sail rn.

Lexi: Really? Why?

Me: Bruce asked him to come here so he could talk to us. I think he wants to put Jason and I in an angle. Idk how to feel about it.

Lexi: This could be a big opportunity for both of you. You'll get to come to RAW with us. You and Jace will get along just fine.

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