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Sarah POV

I had spent the last weeks sticking to my friends, mostly Scotty and Jaylah. Captain Kirk had only requested my presence a few times, only making official conversation and minimizing the time we spent in one room, which I was glad about. I just coulnd't get over how he had played with my heart and insulted me and my pride as a human being, but most of all as his best friend.

I was sitting between Uhura and Sulu, Chekov, Scotty and Jaylah across from us. We were playing cards and making casual conversation, when Spock entered the room.

"Lieutenant Ombria, the Captain would like to see you in his quarters."

I put down my cards and got up.

"What is this about, exactly?"

"Captain Kirk hasn't informed me of the reason for this request, he merely send me to inform you"

I exchanged a meaningful look with Uhura, then followed Spock.

"You have requested my presence, Captain?"

"Yes, thank you, Commander Spock" he nodded at the Vulcan, who left the room

Jim cleared his throat, then took a few hesistant steps towards me.

"May I be informed of the meaning of this meeting?"

"I... uh... was hoping we could start over."

"I'm not sure I understand Captain"

Kirk scratched the back of his head, clearing his throat yet again

"Hi, my name is James Tiberius Kirk. Nice to meet you"

He held out his hand

I looked back and forth between his crooked smile and his hand

Then I turned on my heel and left


"Uhura, can we talk?"

My best friend got up from the table, leaving the boys and Jaylah behind- Bones had apparently taken my place in the game.

Nyoda and I made our way to a quiet table in the corner of the room, sitting down across from each other.

"What is it?" She looked at me worried

"The Captain offered me a restart"


"He said he wanted to start over, introducing himself and even offering me his hand for a shake..."

"And what did you do?"

"Well, mature and confident as I am, I did the only right thing"

"You turned around and ran away?"

"I turned around and ran away"

Uhura burried her face in her hands.

"The two of you are driving me crazy"

"What? Why would you say that?"

"Sarah! Jim did one of the most mature things he's ever done, trying to start over and make things right this time and you turn around and run away?"

"Yes! Because starting over would mean forgetting what happened until now, just washing away all the heartache I've been through, all the tears I've shed."

"Not if the both of you keep everything that happened- wrong and right- in mind and make it better this time."

"Oh my god"

Uhura smiled slightly


She didn't have to say it twice.



There was a knock on my door, but before I could say anything, Sarah already let herself in.

I immediatly put down the documents I had been looking at to occupy myself from the fact that she had run away.

"Lieutenent Ombria. What can I help you with?"

"Hello, nice to meet you, my name is Sarah Ombria"

She held out her hand, looking at me with glooming eyes, blushed cheeks and an enchanting smile

I got up, closing the distance between us, taking her hand

"James Tiberius Kirk"

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