Chapter 1- Hair Gel Infused With Teenage Angst

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Chapter 1
Hair Gel Infused With Teenage Angst

With one hand on my bed, I crawled under but it was no use. That textbook was gone and it seemed like I wouldn't find it for the rest of my life.

Where did it go? Narnia?! Or Hogwarts because it was like magic made it disappear. It was no where to be found.

It wasn't on my desk, or in the drawers of my desk. It wasn't in my wardrobe, under my bed or in my bed. Yes, I have lost something within the covers of my bed once. It was a remote, so I don't need judgment. Lastly, it wasn't hiding on my shelves. Although, it probably would never be on my shelf. Even though I have shelves, I don't use them for actual books or useful items.

Stress was taking over me as i sat down on my wooden floor in defeat. I rested my head against the wall while retracing my steps in my head.

It was 8:10 and I had to leave soon for school. Sure, it would've been smart of me to pack my bag the night before but I didn't. Alas, that's why I wasn't in Ravenclaw.

Just before I was ready to just get detention, I remembered that i lived with my brother. He was sly and I knew that he had something to do with my missing textbook.

I leaned up and left my room and walked up to the staircase. "Will! Where is my textbook?!" I yelled and if he didn't exit his room quickly, it would have been just the beginning.

A large bang echoed in the distance. I whipped my head to face it. A grumpy, dressed for school Will exited his room. "What?"

I walked up to him, dangerously calm, until I was a few inches away. Since he was a year younger than me, I was still a little taller than him. This made it super easy for me to over power him in any situation.

"Give my textbook. Now," I whispered angrily.

His arms rose in the air in surrender. "Fine," He began and went back to retrieve it. When he came back, he practically threw it at me.

Lucky for me, I had quick reflexes and caught it with ease. That was due to all the games of football we played over the years. I wasn't the best at it but hey, football was football.

I thought Will was going to put up more of a fight. That's how it usually was. He does something stupid, I confront him, he denies for a little while only to confess.

It's always been like that.

"I lost mine, I thought you wouldn't notice."

"Do you know who you're talking to?"

"Hayley?" He asked like it was some sort of trick question. Not all of us in my family were this dumb.

"Go to school." My last words before I turned around and skipped over to my room.

Five minutes later, I had everything packed. I was already dressed so I was ready to go to school. One last thing.

I walked over and rummaged through my drawer and pulled out a necklace I found ages ago on the floor. It was a really pretty gold chain with a small celeste star pendant at the end.

I placed it on in the mirror and I looked back at myself. I dreaded the day that was ahead of me.

The first day of the week was always such a drag. From the loud yelling in the hallways, flu season among the air and the amount of homework that was piling up, ready to kill me, one page at a time. I was already tired for the entire first day. That was life, I guessed.

Once I was ready, I almost flew down the stairs—almost tripping and falling to an untimely death.

Okay, that was a bit over dramatic.

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