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I run down the alley way panting. I was out for a run when a car started following me, it tried to run me over.
I try get away but I just can't. The car come down the alley way as I reach for my phone, but he gets there first, he has a mask on as he sprays stuff in my face.


I wake up in dark, I'm cold and lying on a bed. The only noise is my heavy breathing and a light dripping noise coming from the room next door.
I get up and go to the door listening in it. I can hear someone or something breathing.

"Help!" I scream.

Where the fuck am I!

I went for a run, was followed, got kidnapped and I am now stuck in a basement or something.

"Hello?" I hear a voice say from through the door.

"Hello, who are you?" I ask. He sounds young, he has a lisp.

"I'm not supposed to talk to you"

"Please!" I scream.

"Hello?!" I scream more.

He's gone now.

I look around the place and try calm myself down, I have ADHD. I'm 18 and female my name is Katie-Summers McKay. I am scared. I am alone. And I am FREAKED THE FUCK OUT.

I sit in the bed trying not to get mad. The door opens and I step back frightened.

"Your awake baby girl!" A voice says.
He steps forward showing a man in a hat and baggy jeans, a v T-shirt too and a jacket.

"Who ... who are you?" I ask scared.

"Me ... I'm Barry" he says.

"Show me your face"I say.

Although it's dark I can see him shake his head, he goes to leave.

"Did you take me?" I ask.

"No that wasn't me" he says before closing and locking the door.

A few hours pass and I sit there worried sick about my sister at home waiting for me, she has probably contacted the police already. I live with her since my mum is an addict and my dad works in the army with my brother.
The door opens and in steps a tall man, bald, wearing a grey jumpsuit sort of thing, he wears glasses and I instantly recognise him.

"You!" I scream.

"Calm down, and mop the bathroom, I'll be back in an hour"

"Who are you, why did you take me?!" I scream.

He walks out the door and locks it.
I might as well clean the bathroom, but do I though ... NO ... he kidnapped me so I don't need to do SHIT.

"IM NOT CLEANING IT YOU TWAT" I scream through the door.

"Don't talk about Dennis that way my girl" a voice says through the door as it unlocks. I step back and sit on the bed as the same man walks in wearing s red turtle neck and a skirt.

"You?" I say looking him up and down.

"No we haven't met I'm Patricia, you better mop the floor or he won't be happy my child"

I don't say anything but just sit there shaking. I nod and open the door to the bathroom, I take the mop and start sweeping, Patricia leaves and when I'm done mopping I go to the bed and sleep.

I wake up to a bright light coming through the door, it's open!
I look at it and the man is sitting there. He is wearing a black and yellow jacket smiling at me.
"Who ... who are you?" I ask

"I'm Hedwig ... I have reads socks" that voice with the lisp I heard earlier it's him. But it's not it's the man that kidnapped me.

"How ... how old are you?"

"I'm nine, what about you et cetera?" He asks still looking at me.

"I'm eighteen"

"That's old" He say.

I think for a moment how can this be the man that kidnapped me but have the voice of a nine year old with a lisp. And be a lady. Omg he must have A personality disorder.

"How long have you been here Hedwig" I ask.

"I don't know for a while, he going to come for you" he says suddenly.

"Who is?" I ask

"I'm not supposed to say"

"Please Hedwig" I say smiling at him.

"No ms Patricia and Dennis told me not to, I have to go!" He says running of.

I sit there in silence, sweat trickling down my back and I tie my hair up and look at the wall. But I feel myself starting to get mad.
I punch the wall making my hand bleed. I like the pain.
"FUCKING TWATS" I scream as I punch the wall again.
Soon enough my hand is bleeding a lot. I feel myself getting dizzy as a figure enters the room. I collapse as I see the figure run to catch me.

This is the first chapter ok this obvious new book, please still keep reading my other book, which would be nice. Thanks!- M :)

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