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It's been a day since Dennis was taken into custody. Amy, Samantha, Nicole and Casey have been trying to comfort me and I have in. The police are supposed to be calling in the next hour to tell us what's going to happen but until then we have to stay her.
Amy sent everyone home and said "thank you for coming and sorry for inconvenience".
Sentences like "poor girl" and "will she be alright?" We're thrown back and forth has everyone left, it made my stomach curl up inside out.
"Casey ... why?" I ask turning to face her.

"Because Dennis isn't who you think he is, he's dangerous" she says smiling sadly at me.
"I'm pure though" I whisper.

"That's doesn't mean much Katie" she frowns patting my back.

My sister takes of my makeup. Samantha fixes my hair, Casey takes of the nail varnish and then we sit in Silence until we get a call.




"Hi is this Katie Wendell ... Crumb"


"Mrs Crumb we have some bad news"


"You... your ... husband is going to court ... and you need to be there with Katie, Amy and Samantha dear"


"I'm sorry, but also ... we are going to have to ask you both to sign divorce papers if he is put to jail, because for one reason you're young and would be married to a very dangerous man and two He already agreed"

"I ... I can't"

"I'm sorry but this is how it has to be ... the trial is Tuesday, you aren't allowed to lie"

"I ... I ... ok"

"Again I'm sorry kid ... I know this is hard"

"Thank you Officer"


I can't lie? I can't lie! Well then this means Dennis, Patricia, Hedwig, Orwell, Jane and the others are going to jail!
This is my fault, all my fault ... I should never have fallen in love with him, i should have left when he told me to.
"He's going to court on Tuesday ... your all asked to be there" I say turning and pointing at Casey, Samantha, and Amy.
They nod.

Tuesday, the court room 12:00.
"I call Casey Cook to the stand" the judge shouts.

Casey gets up, she's wearing her best clothes. She wobbled a little in her heels but manages to go and sit at the stand.
"Casey Cook, you were kidnapped two years ago with these other girls will you please explain to me what happened To them both ... in detail" the judge says pointing at projected photos of a girl with blonde hair and girl with darker curly hair.

"Um, they were killed your honour" she starts.

"By what?".

"Him, But not him ... it was in his body but wasn't him" Casey says with a shaky voice pointing at Dennis who sits in chains.

People gasp because they see Dennis nod.
"And Casey ... how were they killed by this so called man inside another mans body?" The judge asks.

"They were eaten your honour" she says looking at me apologetically.

Gasps fill the room again.
"Casey how did you escape?" He asks.

"He found out that I'm pure ... he saw my cuts" she says.

"Casey why did you cut yourself?"

"Because I was tortured by my uncle at a young age, raped and abused" she says making my heart drop.

"And casey What did you think when you found out that this young lady here ... was engaged to that man?"
She sighs.
"I felt so scared for her, I was scared for her life ... but I knew I had to save her" she says.

I nod and look at Dennis who looks back and nods.
"Thank you Casey you may now go back to your seat" the judge says smiling st her.

She stands up and waddles back to her seat.
"I call Katie to the stand" the judge says.

I stand up and walk to the stand sitting down.
"I swear by the law of Pennsylvania not to lie in this court" a court officer says to me.
I repeat.
"Katie please describe to us ... were you scared when you were taken, what happened on the first day?"

"Um, I woke up and I started screaming for Help, I hear someone outside the door so I shouted for them to help they said 'hello' it sounded like a little boy, I asked for him to help but then he was gone" I say shaking at the memory of they cold damp room.

"And Katie what happened after that?"

"A guy came into the room and called me 'baby girl' he was tall but I couldn't see his face, I asked him if he took me and he said 'no that wasn't me' I was freaking trying out so then ... he said his name is Barry" I say smiling at the memory of actually meeting Barry. At first I was scared but I grew to love him like a brother.

"And then?"

"After about an hour a guy entered the room and told me to mop the bathroom ... he said he would be back in an hour and I recognised him as the guy that took me, I shouted and excuse my language your honour "I'm not cleaning this you twat!" Then after a while I heard an English accent telling me "don't talk about Dennis that way my girl", the door unlocked and the same guy walked in wearing a turtle neck and a skirt" I say shivering.
"Ok..." the judge says.

"So then ... she said her name was Patricia and that I really should mop the floor, um, I did ... I mopped it and after a while the person left, I went for a sleep" I say.

"Ok keep going it's alright" the judge says reassuring me.

"I woke up and that guy was there again, he was wearing a yellow and black jacket ... it was the exact same guy and then he said "I'm Hedwig, I have read socks" it was the same voice from earlier and that's when I realised ... split personality disorder ... so then I asked how old he was ... he did "9" and he asked my age so i said that was 18, he said that was old and then I asked a few questions like why I was there and then he ran of" I say remember Hedwig sitting there smiling at me.

"Ok keep going"

"I punched a wall ... and my hand started bleeding a lot, so I fainted at the sight of the blood but someone caught me before I hit the floor, when I woke up it was the guy that took me, he was standing saying "stupid girl, she had to go faint" he sounded panicky" I say. "Then I asked a few questions".

"He said his name was Dennis, he was protecting me and his friends, I asked how ... he said 'Not your concern now sleep' he went out and came back with clothes for me ... he was being nice to me so I thought maybe he took the wrong person or just he was being pretend nice to me ... then he said "your safe here Katie" I didn't know how he knows my name ... then I asked how he knew me and he said "your welcome for me saving your life on March 4th a few years back" and that made me freaked out" I say.

"What happened on March 4th?" The judge asks.

"A fire ... it was a gathering of people and someone knocked candles and decide to spray stuff making the whole place burst up in flames ... my cousin was stuck In there so I ran back in, he saved my life" I say pointing at Dennis who is now smiling sadly at me.
"Ok carry on" the judge says.

"I shouted to him "thank you" and he just laughed, next day I made friends with Hedwig" I say smiling.

Part two coming soon - M :)

Split love.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora