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"Stupid girl" I hear a voice say as I wake up.

"She just had to faint at the sight of blood meaning I had to take her to my fucking room" the voice says again.

I open my eyes and see the man sitting beside me wiping my hands of blood. He looks st me, I'm scared he is going to punch me or something but he doesn't, he reaches for my face and moves a bit of hair.

"Who are you?" I ask.


"Why did you take me?"

"Protecting you and my friends"

"How?" I ask.

"Not your concern, rest" he says putting water and tablets beside me.

He walks across the room and opens a drawer I see him take a gun out of it and put it in his pocket, he looks back at me p, his eyes shine but he doesn't smile he looks sad and mad at the same time.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yes... thanks" I say looking at the wall.

"Ok I'll be back soon, stay here" he says leaving.

I take the water and tablets and notice food on the other table it's chips and cheese. I take it not caring if it isn't meant for me ... I'm hungry. Ugh so good.

Dennis's P.O.V

I can see her eyes starting to open but I need to finish wiping her hands, I can finish it later, she looks so calm just now.
I should get her s new top the one she is wearing is messy, I hate mess.

"Who are you?"

She doesn't remember who I am, we me years ago when I saved her from the house fire.

"Dennis" I say stroking a bit of her hair back.

"Why did you take me?"

To protect you is what I want to say.

"Not your concern, rest" I get up and get my gun.

She will be ok I guess.

I go out to the shop and buy a few tops for her I also decide to get new leggings for her. I'll get her a colouring book and pens as-well.
As I make my way back I notice a police car sitting outside my house.

"Sir we are looking for a missing girl, her name is Katie have you seen her?" One of them asks.

"No I haven't officer, but I'll keep you updated" I say speeding up.

"Who are those for" the officer says pointing at the bags of clothes.

"For my um ... girlfriend officer" I say.

"Ok well keep an eye out, I have a good one"

"Thanks officer"

I get in running to my room and seeing she is still there.

Katie's P.O.V

He runs back in the room having s look of relaxation on his face seeing me. He sits on the couch across the room.

"Here" he throws me a blue shirt with AC/DC on it.

I put it on and it is huge on me.

"Thanks" I barely whisper.

"Glad to see you ate" he says taking the plate and cup and refilling it.

He looks at my dirty shirt and sighs before picking it up and throwing it in the washing machine in the next room. He come in with a blanket and puts it over me.

"Your safe here Katie"

"Who are you" I ask confused about how he knows my name.

"Your welcome for me Saving you in March 4th a few years back Katie" he says before he leaves the room.

I think back to that awful fire. We were partying and someone knocked over a dozen candles and decided to spray something. There was an explosion and almost everyone got out, I ran back for my cousin and another explosion happened. I saw him lying there bleeding not breathing at all. I saw a man running in he picked me up and gave me CPR. He asked me my name and saved my life completely trying to calm me down. He was my hero. I heard he died a while after in hospital but I'm certain Dennis is that same man.

"Thank you!" I shout and I hear a small laugh coming from them next room.

I feel bad for Hi, but it still doesn't explain why he took me of all people.

Hey lovely people, um this explained a little about Katie's past, keep checking for updates-M :)

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