Will he ever come back?

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"Katie, Katie wake up" I hear Hedwig whisper from across the room.

"Oh hey Hedwig wassup?" I ask smiling at him.

"Um I'm not supposed to say anything else, but ... Dennis said to tell you to get dressed pack your bags and wait for him at 10 o'clock" Hedwig says before running out.

I follow him to his room and see his bedroom is plain. Is hamsters are in a box and there are a load of boxes.

I switch on music while I get showered and dressed.

"Killing me softly with his songggg, killing me softly .... his words are killing me softlyyyyy" I sing in the shower.

I get out and sing more songs in a very awful way. I mean I am only 18. Shit ... 18 and engaged to a 23 year old ... fuck sake. Anyway.
I'm supposed to be going to college in a few months.

It's 9 o'clock so I might as-well start getting packed.
Half an hour later I'm all packed and I start Reading a random book. I don't even know what it is ... it's something like French ... probably?

"Katie?" I hear Dennis say walking into the room.

"Hey, I'm all packed, what are we doing?" I ask hugging him.

"I bought a house last week" he says kissing my shoulder.

"And you didn't tell me?" I ask as he dances with me to the music.

"Oh well I'm so sorry Mrs Dennis" He says which makes me laugh.

"I forgive you Mr Dennis" I say.

We head to the car and sit in it while we head to the new house. It's only half an hour away and it's a pretty nice place.

There's a nice small garden, the house looks just the right size and there's a banner outside it saying "welcome!" A lot of the neighbors are standing outside the house waving at us.
We get out and all the people introduce themselves. Theres a small family called the Peters family, there's the mother the father and two children. There children are in there teenage years around the ages of 13 and 15.
There's a younger family with triplets who are 4 years old. There really sweet.
To be honest every family has attests 1 or 2 children we are apparently the only family in the street that don't have kids.
The question we constantly keep being asked is "so when's the wedding" and "when are you going to settle down and have kids?". I looks at Dennis but he just sighs and walks away. All the other family's throw us a BBQ. It's great and then some of the family's help us unpack into the house.
It's great there's 3 rooms, a good sized bathroom, kitchen, lounge and a back and front yard.
Once we are all unpacked we thank everyone for there amazing help.

"Thank you all so much for your help, I'm looking forward to spending time getting to know guys" I say smiling and waving as they leave.

I turn around and see Dennis sitting reading in his chair. I decide to annoy him.

"Dennis" I poke him in the arm.

"Dennis" I say poking him again.

"Dennis, Dennis, Dennis, Dennis" I say poking him every time.

"Katie, Katie, Katie, Katie" He says turning and facing me.

"I'm bored, can we watch a film?" I ask sitting on his lap.

"Ugh, fine but just so you know I was reading ... I was enjoying it and hang on let's watch ... the movie version if it!" He says laughing. He throws me and blanket, tissues and ice cream.

"Why do I need this?" I ask.

"Because your going to cry so much" he says laughing and sitting beside me.

"Are we watching titanic?" I ask laughing.

"No, Atonement" he says smirking.

I start crying already and he just laughs at me and I put my head against his shoulder.

What am I doing! I'm engaged to my kindnapper who has split personality's. I'm living with him and ... I love him! What am I doing?! Help me! No, I forgive him, do I? Ye? I don't know UGH WHYS THIS SO HARD.

We sit and watch the film and as it gets closer to Robbie death I already find myself crying already.

"Hey it's ok" Dennis says trying not laugh at me.

And then Robbie dies and I'm gone. Dennis laughs and I cry. I eat the ice cream very quickly. When Cecilia dies I do everything but cry, I kinda giggle. I hate Cecilia with a passion. Why? I don't know. She didn't deserve Robbie in my opinion.

I end up failing asleep pretty quickly with myself lying on top of Dennis. He says I snore but I'm not the only one the idiot.
I have a nightmare that everyone finds out who Dennis is, we are at our wedding and Andrew and my sister tell everyone. Dennis kills himself before he can get arrested and I then kill my self. Why would I kill myself, do I love him that much!?
I wake up in a pool of sweat. Where's Dennis!

"Dennis?!" I shout running through the house. I reach the kitchen and see him out in the garden.

He smiles at me and then sees my expression. He runs over to me and holds me. I start crying and a question pops into my head.

"Will he ever come back ... the beast?" I ask shaking scared for the answer.

"Maybe, but I'll try stop him, we all will" he says trying to calm me down.

It's the last week of school and I decide to go back and get all my grades from the exam we did before I was kidnapped. I'm going to be the talk of the school ... and yeah I was!

Hope you enjoyed this ... yes The Beast will be coming back ... someone will die! No it's not Katie don't worry but it will happen not in the next chapter but the chapter after - M :)

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