The first death.

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As Dennis walks me to school people stare at us a lot. Whispers go back and forth saying stuff like "I'm sure she was kidnapped" and "somethings not right, he's very strange looking".

I kiss Dennis goodbye and tell him to go back home straight away and I'll be home by 3 o'clock.
I walk into the school an a banner that says "welcome back Katie!" Hangs outside the school, I see Andrew standing there with more of our friends who look at me worried. I didn't come in on Monday ... today is Tuesday.
You see something happened on Sunday. Let me fill you in.

Imagine me and Dennis sitting across from each other. But I was asleep ... that's when the words escaped my mouth "Kevin Wendell Crumb, Kevin Wendell crumb".
I woke up to the sound of laughing.
I looked at Dennis.

"Baby girl, it's been such a long time how are you?" Barry said hugging me quickly.

"Shut up Barry I wanna say hi" Jane said kissing my cheek.

"How are you Katie ... you look great!" She said.

"Oh no ... not again, is he ... th...the beat is he awake?" I asked shaking.

"You will find it in no time at all" Patricia said sitting down and crossing her legs over.

"I want a heads up!" I shouted laughing nervously.

"No, stop" I hear Dennis said trying to get the light.

And then this happened.

"Sleep Dennis go away"

"Ahhh rejoice"



"Katie, what's going on what's with all the screaming guys?"

"Hedwig go to your room, he's here"



I closed my eyes but then they flashed open when I felt my leg slice open and teeth sink into my flesh.
I started kicking and slapping and screaming.

"DENNIS PLEASE" I screamed.

"NOO KATIE" I hearer him scream.


silence. Pure and utter silence.

"What happened?" I heard a voice say.

"Dennis ... I want Dennis" I said quickly shaking trying to cover the blood flowing out of my leg.

"Lock me in any room, I need to calm down" Kevin said. I don't deny, I pushed him into a room and locked the door. I ran the bathroom and found bandages, I tied them around my leg before I fainted at the sight of the blood.
I woke up to Dennis sitting beside me stitching up my leg. "Stay down" He said stroking back my hair.

"I can't go to school today! I said grabbing his hand.

"I know" he said pulling his hand away from me.

He lifted me up and put me on the bed and he leaves as I fell asleep.

I had a talk with him telling him it wasn't his fault although I'm scared shitless.

Present day.

I walk over to my friends. Who look at each other and nod. They pull me to the toilets and stuff me inside telling people to leave.

"Who the fuck is that guy, why are you limping, and why the fuck are you lying to everyone!?" Andrew asks shouting in my face.

"Andrew you shouldn't even be here your a guy, this is the girls toilet and being gay doesn't mean you can be here" Samantha says before shutting up.

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