Be calm.

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I wake up in a pool of sweat, Dennis is nowhere to be seen. I shout him a few times but he obviously isn't in or he just isn't hearing me. Maybe he isn't in the light?





I feel myself starting to shake, I don't feel well. I'm pale, shaking, sweating, and I'm skinnier than usual. I sit back in bed. I don't fall asleep, I can't fall asleep or that nightmare will come back to me.
In the nightmare I was walking around my house, I saw my father hanging outside on a tree, my mother lying in the ground crying, my uncle making his way towards her with a knife. I look away but when I turn back ... mother is lying on the ground and my uncle is shooting himself. I remember my sister grabbing me and running to the police station with me in her arms. Both of us crying. We never made it to the police but a lot of people helped us. They were so shocked and felt awful. My sister came of age 4 years later while I was still 16.
It's not just a nightmare ... it's a memory. I said my mother harmed me ... she did and she was an addict but then my dad hung himself ... we have an adoptive family who come visit me and my sister, and an adoptive brother who works with my adoptive father in the army, his husband stays at home.

I find myself screaming for Dennis again.

"Dennis please ... Dennis!"

I hear footsteps running around. He storms into the room and looks at me, his face is pale and looks worried about me.

"Be calm" is all he says to me.

He lifts me into the bath and washes me.

"I got you more clothes and stuff" He says handing it all to me once I get it if the bath.

"Thank you" I say. I put it all on, it's just a t-shirt and a hoodie which says "sarcastic, me? Never" that makes me laugh, black ripped jeans finish it of. I tie my hair up in a bun and sit with Dennis.

"Be calm, I'm here" he says kissing my temple.

I hug into him more and say "don't let me fall asleep again, please". He nods.

We sit there in silence for a while. But then he moves and when I look up it isn't Dennis it's Hedwig, he is smiling down at me.

"Well this is nice isn't it, I feel like I'm your older brother or something et cetera" He says while I sit up, I smile at him and he smiles at me.

"Yeah et cetera" I say giggling a little bit.

"So you and Dennis are actually a thing hmm?" He asks me putting on a serious face.

"Yes we are ... I think" I say giggling a little.

"Ok, I, just looking our for you as your best friend and loyal sidekick!"He says before he charges of to go feed his hamsters.

I sit in the room for a little while, looking at all the books Dennis has in his book shelf. I can see a lot of Shakespeare like Romeo and Juliet and a Midsummers night dream. most of the books are romance but I spot a few horrors And thrillers, like It chapter 1 and chapter 2, I also see Atonement ... my favourite book. I pick it up and notice that it has writing on the first page.
'Dear Katie,
I know this is your favourite book, it's mine aswell. Well ... it's me and Dennis's favourite book ... aswell has everyone else's ... except Hedwig. My name is Kevin Wendell Crumb. I'm the man with the personality's. I can only enter the light at some points in a week.
The Beast I have met, he isn't great but I'm sure by now you have met him?
If you ever feel like you need a friend call me, please, you can trust me.
Kevin Wendell Crumb.'

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