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One stroke... two strokes... green strokes...blue strokes. The colors of a vibrant summer morning clouded my thoughts as I finished up my piece of work. "Very impressive Feliciano, I'd like for you to compete nationally for a scholarship. It will take you to the best art school in the world! That I can promise you." The recruiter spoke.  My grandfather placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled with a wide grin. "Of course, he will do it. My grandson has been competing since he was five; I am sure it will be a piece of cake for him to win," My grandfather spoke.

As they continued to babble, I started to stare outside of my bedroom window.  I hadn't ran outside in a very long time.... my grandfather always made sure that I was keeping up with my art skills, so that meant that I didn't get to play with any other kids. Even my brother left from all the pressure. Lovino has been staying with a distant relative of ours for almost two years, and I miss him dearly. "Alright so it's settled; your grandson will be competing next week at the art gala. I expect something amazing as usual," the man spoke.

I never bothered to learn his name since I wasn't too interested in it. Don't get me wrong, though!! I loved art, and it was always nice seeing how proud my grandfather was, I just wish I could do more with it though. I wonder what kind of things I could do that would make me proud, along with my grandfather.

This year was my last year in high school, and of course, my grandfather was the one choosing the university I would be attending. I somehow managed to last all of my education without making any friends, but I feel like this year is my year. That's right! I'll make one friend this year! That's all.

I started to smile nervously as I thought back to all the other times I tried making friends. They all ended terribly because they thought I was too childish. I started to bite down on my lip as I thought about all the things people have told me. "Stop acting so immature! Aren't you supposed to be some serious artist? How embarrassing," was one comment I received.

Now!!! I will make sure no one knows that I like cute things! Or childish things! And so what if I want to watch cartoons and play freeze tag? It makes me happy..... but I guess in this case, it will be difficult to be open about it. 

"You did great, Feli; now make sure you paint something just as beautiful for the competition... I believe in you," my grandfather spoke. He placed a hand on my shoulder in an approving way, and it made me happy. I just wanted him to accept me for who I was. "Now, make sure you get ready for your first day tomorrow; I expect a good impression," He smiled.

"Yes... I will do my best to make you proud," I answered. Even if it meant that I was friendless, serious, and competitive, I will make him proud.... that way, he doesn't shut me out as he did my brother.

My grandfather left my bedroom, and I finally had a chance to stand up and stretch. "I think tomorrow I will do some art in the art room. The teacher never minds that I stay there late to paint," I said to myself.

I opened my window to let the breeze come in, and it felt nice. I couldn't help but close my eyes and imagine myself in the middle of an empty grassy field. If that were the case, I'd be free as a bird. "I wonder what I will paint.." I said, opening my eyes slowly.

I stood still for a moment before looking down at my clothes. "You are a mess, Feli; how will you ever find a wife looking like this?" I joked to myself. God!!! I feel like such a loser. Slapping my face, I started to snap out of it. I wanted to make sure I am ready for my first day tomorrow. I will wear something nice and practice introducing myself in front of the mirror. Maybe I just need to be more confident in myself.

Well, I guess that if I weren't confident, I wouldn't be such a good painter right now. "Wait a minute!!!" I said out loud. Why am I expecting myself to gain a friend that easily? It takes time, and I shouldn't rush, despite how excited I get. I think I will start doing some internal screaming not to freak anyone out. That way, I can get excited while also making my grandfather proud of how serious I can be. I am sure I would not scare anyone off if I did that! Right?

I quickly packed my school bag for tomorrow and took out the clothes that I wanted to wear. "I should probably stop talking to myself out loud," I said... out loud. I wonder what kind of things people are into these days. I have a phone but no social media, so it's hard to see. 

I think I got this; I am ready for the day tomorrow and will practice talking to people tonight. Tomorrow will be great, and I will make sure to befriend one person!!! That's all I need!! One person to be friends with. Maybe then, my grandfather would be even more pleased with me. If that happens... maybe he will ask lovino to come back home. If Lovino comes home, we can be reunited as a family.

All these thoughts I had made my head spin all over the place. My face was red from a hint of annoyance towards myself. I finally decided to throw myself on my bed to rest.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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The Art prodigy (Gerita) Where stories live. Discover now