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"Thank you all for coming to my private and small gallery walk. I will present to you the finished pieces I made, and from there we will eat snacks!!" I cheered. All the people I painted were there and cheered after what I said. I placed all four canvases on a few easels that I had. I walked over to the four paintings and took off the cover I had on them.

"Wow!!! We look great!" Francis gasped. Arthur and he walked over to them and stared in awe. "It's like we are an actual renaissance painting from back then," Arthur spoke. "I look super cool and serious!!! How did you do that?" Alfred asked, jumping around. Kiku walked over to his and smiled, turning to me with an acceptance look.

"Do you like yours?"I asked Ludwig. He walked over to his painting and smiled slightly. "It's amazing, almost as if it was a picture that you took." He said. "Yeah, well, my painting doesn't do you justice; maybe I could try again..." I said, defeated. I felt that there could have been more I could do with it. "Oh no! It is perfect, thank you," he smiled.

Their happy faces made me happy, and I couldn't wait for them to see me at my competition. "By the way... I got these for all of you," I smiled. I rushed over to my desk drawer and took out a few tickets, ten to be exact. "I know I have a lot, but if you want to invite other people, that will be nice. These are for my art competition in another week," I spoke.

I handed the tickets to them, and they all smiled. "Are we allowed to cheer you on?" Alfred asked. "Uhhh, I don't think so... it needs to be quiet for everyone," I laughed. "Then!!! We will make huge signs for you!" He added. "Yeah, sure," I laughed.

As everyone talked to each other, Ludwig pulled me to the side. "Do you want to come over to my house tomorrow? After school Friday?" He asked. My eyes widened, and I felt so happy. We would have a chance to be alone again and of course, I have to say yes. "Yes! Absolutely!" I smiled. I looked into his eyes and wanted to kiss his face again. Maybe I should just ask him if he feels the same.

I've never had to deal with this; it's been a long time. We both turned around and looked at everyone else having a good time. Slowly, I beg and feel his arm touch mine. We didn't hold hands, but the thought of his arm touching mine was enough for me. I was paralyzed from moving, so I could savor this feeling.

I wanted more from him but didn't want to be selfish for wanting his attention all the time. To have all his attention, affection, and love was too much to ask, right?

Once everyone left for the night, I threw myself on my bed. "Hey Feli, I'm coming in," my grandfather said. "Okay," I answered. He walked into my room and looked for a second before taking a seat. "These look great. Were your friend's models for you?" He asked. "Yes! I enjoyed it a lot," I responded.

"That's great, but try not to get too comfortable with them, please, you will be leaving for England in a few months for college, and I don't want them to hold you back." He explained. My eyes widened, and I shook my head "no... they won't," I whispered.

I was selfish for wanting Ludwig, knowing that I would be leaving soon. What was I thinking? Having these people care about me? My goal in life was to make my grandfather happy, and I was still on the pathway toward that. "Try not to get too close to them..." he said.

I looked down at my feet and started to fidget. I loved art with every fiber of me, but I wanted to attend an art school here. I would easily be accepted and get a scholarship. However, I knew that my grandfather would not like that.

"Do you understand?"
"Yes, grandfather..."  I said lightly. He nodded, standing up and leaving my room. Why did I feel so angry about this? I wanted to throw everything around and yell. I quickly grabbed my calendar and looked at how many months I had left here. It was only three months, and I had yet even to tell anyone about this realization.

However, the realization of how long I spent with everyone hit me. It felt like a short time, but we did many things together. I threw my calendar to the side and started to lie down again. "I'll tell them about it after the competition, and I'm sure they will understand," I said.

If this is the case... I can't leave without any regrets. What will telling Ludwig my feelings do, though? In the end, I will leave, and it would hurt him. My eyes started to glaze over as I started to cry. This isn't fair; I've always been fine with attending any art school. I quickly stood up from my bed, wiped my eyes, and ran out of my room and downstairs to find my grandfather.

"Grandfather! I love someone! What do I do? I will be leaving ..." I said with confidence. His eyes widened, and he closed the book he was reading. "Do they know?"

"Good... I think you should forget about them. Relationships come and go, and you might think it's love, but they will leave you one day.." he said seriously. My heart ached with those words... just forget about someone. How could anyone do that? Forget someone who has made them feel like they could fly. "Yes, grandfather..."

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