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His warmth still lingered on my skin. Why did I miss it so much? I have never felt this way before, and the lack of social conversations has made me this way.  I placed my hand on my cheek and felt a blush rush to my face. "Hey, guys.... can I paint portraits of you some time?" I asked.  Everyone looked at me, and everyone's eyes sparkled. "Yes!!! Please do!" Alfred cheered.

I wanted to draw Ludwig, I wanted to capture every detail on his face and make sure that I could capture how precious he was. "When did you want to do that?" Arthur asked. "Whenever you are free, I'm able to work with any of your schedules since my main priority is to paint. You will come here and I will paint you," I smiled. "Can I be first?" Alfred asked. "Yes! When do you want to come by?" I asked. "Tomorrow!!! Kiku will come with me too," Alfred cheered. "Alrighty, sounds good," I answered.

I walked over to the fridge and took out the lemonade, as well as grabbing some cups for everyone. "Let's go back upstairs and play some cards," I suggested. Ludwig came to me and helped me carry the cups upstairs. "Thank you," I told him. "Of course," he answered.

As everyone laughed and joked with each other, I kept my eye on Ludwig. Watching his movements and behaviors, they were nervous and happy. His gaze finally met mine, and I smiled at him, to which he responded with a nervous look. What he was saying before to me, I think I know what he was trying to say. I am not that stupid, I can sense the mood.

I think Ludwig might.....like me? But romantically. However, although I don't want to jump to conclusions, I really think this might be the case. I just don't know how I feel about it, maybe if I were to paint him, I would better understand myself and how I feel.

Maybe it isn't even that, maybe he was just trying to say how much he liked me as a friend. The thought of it made my face turn red, and I tried looking down. "So, Feli, what else do you like to do for fun?" Kiku asked. "Sleeping," I answered quickly. Everyone looked at me and looked as if I was joking. "Really?" Arthur asked. "Yes! It is my favorite thing, especially when I'm stressed out" I nodded.

"Are any of you hungry? I can make something real quick?" I asked. "Oh no! Don't worry about it!" Francis spoke. "Yeah! We wouldn't want you to go through the trouble, we just want to enjoy your company," Arthur added.

Kiku tapped my shoulder and showed me a key chain. "Look at this. Do you like it?" He asked. My eyes widened, looking at how cute it was. "Oh wow! It is so cute! Where did you get it? I want one too!" I said, excited. I grabbed onto his hands and looked at him a little closer. "If it is one of a kind, I would like to buy it off of you," I spoke. Kiku laughed for a second and moved away. "Don't worry, there is a store that we can go to; they have a lot of these things."

"What?! Where! I only go to a -....." I cut myself off. What was I doing? These are childish things!!! I looked at everyone nervously, and they all had smiles on their faces. "What is it?" I asked. "Nothing; it's nice to actually see you being open about your hobbies finally," Francis smiled.

I sat back down and looked around my room. "I guess all the cute things gave it away. I didn't have enough time to put everything away, so I figured I would just go with it."

"Why try and hide it, though?" Ludwig asked. I jumped at the question and started to look around nervously. "Well.... you guys aren't the first ones I have brought into my room. It's been a long time, though. I had friends who completely cut ties with me because of my taste in things. They called me childish or not "manly" enough. As a kid, those things get to you. I was nervous about how all of you would see me... pretty silly, right?"

I opened my eyes and stared at everyone seriously. "Those guys were Assholes!!! If that means you aren't manly, then that means Francis is a girl!!" Arthur shouted. "Ehhhh?!!! Why bring me up?" Francis asked, hurt. "We all know that Francis would be the manliest girl out there," Arthur crossed his arms with a smile. "Damn right, I would!"

I laughed at their bickering and looked over to Ludwig. "Seriously though, don't worry about that stuff around us. I don't know if you have noticed, but we are all different people. Not everyone has to like the same things, and it is okay."Alfred smiled, patting my back.

"Yeah... I realize that now" I laughed. "Tomorrow, since Feli is painting me! Let's go to hang out afterward!!! It will be us three." Alfred cheered as he placed an arm around Kiku and me.

"You hear that, Ludwig? They are stealing Feli from you." Francis said, teasing. "No, they aren't!" Ludwig defended. "Oh? So he was yours before?" Arthur joined in. They both started to tease Ludwig, and it made me laugh.

Everyone here was everything to me. I'll paint all of them so that when I leave for England next year, I will always remember them, no matter what. Even if we lose contact, I want pictures or memories. I want the sensation of how they made me feel. The only way to do that is to make sure I paint them as beautiful as how I see them. How they are every day, I interact with them. That would be the greatest thing for me to hold onto.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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