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What was I thinking?! I can't do this!!! It was already the end of the day I couldn't talk to anyone. Every time I tried, I was just interrupted. As I frowned, I started to feel jealous of my other classmates who were already laughing with each other. Finally, I just decided to gather my things and head to the art room to paint. Why was it so hard for me to just talk to people? Was it because of all the bad experiences I have? That sucks big time.

Once I arrived in the art room, I saw that it was extremely empty. I put my bag down on the floor and started to set up my art supplies and canvas. Knowing I work better with classical music, I started to play my playlist out loud at a low volume. "Great... now what should I paint for the art competition?" I asked myself. I quickly tied an apron around my waist and pulled my sleeves up.

Closing my eyes, I began to imagine something, and luckily I thought of something perfect. Quickly grabbing one of my sketch pencils, I started biting my lip to concentrate more. As I slowly pressed the pencil on the canvas, the door slammed open loudly. It scared me so much that I jumped in my seat, breaking my pencil against the canvas. "What the?..." was all I could say.

I looked towards the door and saw a boy there. He had short blonde hair with deep blue eyes. His face was perfect, and I wanted to paint it. "Oh.. my bad. I didn't think anyone was in here," he spoke softly. "N..." I stopped what I was saying. THIS IS MY CHANCE! "Don't .... don't worry about it!" I said nervously.

The boy and I stared at each other for a few more seconds until I decided to break the silence. "So what did you need?" I asked. "Oh!.... well, I have this project due, and I need help. It is supposed to be a picture for my English class. I need to draw something from a scene from our reading story." He explained. "Oh, I see.... maybe I could help? When is it due?" I asked with a smile.  He started to chuckle nervously, looking away from my eyes. "Tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow? I'm not wrong... but didn't we just start school?" I asked, confused. "Yes..." he answered. "Why so soon then?" I asked, confused. He shrugged his shoulders and finally entered the room. "So, what do you need help with exactly?" I asked. The guy sat before me and leaned his arm against the table. "I just wanted to see if I could borrow some supplies.  I don't know exactly what I should use, so I thought I would come by to look to see if there was anything I could use."

"I see.... that's easy then. Maybe try using regular sketch pencils to draw if it's just a scene. It would be easier than painting a portrait." I placed my hand on the back of my neck and laughed nervously. "Oh? I didn't need all these fancy things? Just regular pencils?" He asked.

"Well... sure... and if you want to stay here to draw, I don't think that's a problem," I smiled. The guy looked at me with a slight smile and placed his school bag on the floor. "Great! Thank you. Oh!!! By the way... my name is Ludwig... I'm a senior," he spoke softly. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening.

"Oh!!! My name is Feliciano, but you can call me Feli if you'd like. I'm glad to make your acquaintance," I said, nearly getting you from my seat from excitement. Remember!!! Internal screaming only!

"Feli... that's a nice name."
"Th...thank you..."
"So what are you doing, Feli?"
"Me?.... oh! I was just going to do a painting. An oil painting, probably."
"Oil? That sounds interesting. Do you like painting a lot?"
"Yes... I do"
"Oh? How long have you been painting?"
"Umm... for a while.." I answered. All of his sudden questions were overwhelming, and I didn't expect someone to ask me these things.

He noticed how nervous I got and stopped asking the questions. "My bad, it's just that I have never seen you around, so I wanted to get to know you a little," He said. Ludwig took out a piece of paper along with regular old pencils.  "Here... why don't you use some of these..." I suggested.

I stood up from my seat and slid some of my sketch pencils toward him, along with art paper that should be used for drawing. "Oh! Thank you..." he said. "Don't worry about it; you seem like a nice person.... so if you don't mind, I'd like to get to know you a little more," I looked him in the eyes and smiled.

His face suddenly turned red, and I wondered why. "Are you okay?" I asked, looking at his cheeks. Ludwig quickly turned away from me and nodded at the table. "Yes." He whispered. "But... I don't mind us being friends, I mean." He laughed. My eyes widened with joy as I took a seat beside him. Of course, I was screaming my head off on the inside, and I was probably going to go home and scream my head off there too.

It was extremely late by the time Ludwig and I finished up. However, I managed not to start my painting at all. No worries, I will just do it tomorrow. "I'll see you around," he called out to me. "Yes! Of course!" I responded. I waved goodbye to him and started walking in my home direction. I have never felt so content before. It had been such a long time since I felt this way. I will do my best to make sure I am my greatest friend.

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