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That evening, after school, let out, and after I finished what I needed to do for art. I decided to stop by the pet store before I go home. They let people play with the cats and dogs there so I thought I would hang out with one of the little guys today. The walk was always lonely and quiet, but I didn't mind all that much today. The pet store was five minutes away from my house so I was lucky it was close.

When I arrived at the place, I slowly opened the door. To my excitement, a cat had jumped into my arms. "Oh! Aren't you precious!" I said in awe. I walked into the store and sat down in the play area where I was now bombarded by many cats. "Aren't you the cutest," I said in a baby voice. I felt so happy being able to pet all these animals that I just started to let them crawl all over me. "They are cute, huh?" A voice spoke.

I turned to the voice and saw a guy who looked around my age. He had shoulder length blonde hair tied in a ponytail, as well as a work apron on. "Oh yes! I love playing with them," I smiled happily. They were snuggling against me and I could just die. "I see your uniform, I'm assuming you go to the high school down the street?" He asked.

"Oh yes... do you go there too?" I asked. I tried to be serious, but how could I try when I'm literally in a pool of cats and they are jumping all over me. "Yes!! In fact, Artie and I do. We are seniors," he smiled. The guy pointed behind him and I saw a grouchy guy who looked as if he was about to lose it. "I told you to never call me that Francis!" He demanded.

The guy Artie looked to Francis and pointed at him aggressively. "My name is Arthur! And this idiot is Francis." He said rolling his eyes. "Hello, my name is Feli..." I spoke softly. "Wow, what a nice name, is it short for anything?" Francis asked.

Arthur suddenly threw a piece of crumbled paper at him in an angry way. "If you have time to flirt! You have time to clean up idiot!" Arthur yelled. I laughed at the way they talked to each other, it reminded me of my brother a little. He would be mad all the time but deep down I knew he cared a lot about me.

Francis rubbed the back of his head as Arthur stomped off. "Don't worry about him, he is actually a very nice guy. Just gets defensive sometimes."
"Oh no worries," I spoke. Francis placed his chin on his hand as he started to stare off. "He won't admit it, but I know he is in love with me, he laughed. "NO I AM NOT!!" I heard a yell. "Then why are you eavesdropping.." Francis laughed.

I continued to to pet the cats as Francis turned back to me. "Wait.... in love? Are the two of you....."I tried asking a very awkward question. "Gay? That depends on my little angry bunny in the back." He laughed. "Is there anything wrong with that?" He added in a serious way. "Oh no!!! Not at all.... I had just never met someone so open about it...."

Oh god!! What am I saying. He is going to kill me!!! "Hmmm? It's the same as liking anyone else, do you like anyone?" He asked. I felt my face turn red and hot as I heard that. "What!??? Oh!! Of course not? Nothing like that..." I said nervously. I looked all around and started to feel some sweat fall on my face. "Hey no worries, I was just curious. Having a crush is universal, people don't question it if you abide by social norms, but the moment you don't. You are a sinner going to hell," he laughed.

"Yeah... you have a point," I said. Arthur came out from the other room and stood next to Francis. "Don't let this guy talk to you about love, he hasn't even kissed anyone yet," Arthur said shaking his head. "Hey!!! You can't just tell people that..." Francis said starting to pout.

"Whatever, that is for asking personal questions."
"It wasn't that personal"
"Yeah it was!! You virgin!"
"Hey!! Don't act so cool when you are too!"
"Oh shut it!" Arthur said. It was kind of cute, the way they argued. "How about we change that Arthur?" Francis grabbed Arthur's face and got super close.

My eyes went blank, and my jaw dropped as I was watching this up close. Why did it look so cool to be that close to someone? "Touch me again, and I will kill you," Arthur said pulling away. "Wow... are the two of you a couple?" I asked curiously. Maybe all couples are like this?

Arthur's face turned extremely red as Francis started to smile. "Where the hell did you get that from?" Arthur said nearly gasping for air. "Oh no, go on please. Tell us how cute we are," Francis grinned. It was like his aura had pink clouds and flowers surrounding him. It was amazing!

"Well, I hope you two figure it out.... I'll be leaving now," I spoke. I stood up from my spot on the floor and placed my book bag over my shoulder. "Hey, you can't just say that and leave," Arthur said looking away. He was definitely into Francis, I wonder why he tried to hide it. Then again, I hide a lot of things too, so I have no reason to judge. "Thank you, goodbye," I waved at them.

I walked out of the pet store , and towards the direction of my house. Maybe tonight I will get a lot of my painting done and see where I can take it next. I breathed in an out and felt myself grow determined.

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