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Practicing portraits is one of my favorite things, especially since I have no idea what anyone would want me to paint. I would need to make sure that I am ready for anything. "So, you are positive that the both of you want to be painted together?" I asked. "Well, I lost a bet, and I certainly won't pussy out," he said, annoyed. Francis had a giant grin on his face, and it was so darn funny. "Why did you make Alfred and Kiku come?" Arthur asked. "So they can see how great we would look as a couple!"

I started to laugh at them because it was so funny. "Well, if that is the case, I am going to pose the two of you like one of my favorite Renaissance paintings. I will take a few pictures and then start to sketch you both. For a detailed one, it should take an hour for me." I explained. They both nodded at me, and I walked over to them. "Also, Alfred and Kiku... your paintings are finished, and they are in the middle room I have right there. It is where I keep all my finished paintings, so feel free to go in and check it out." I smiled.

They both nodded at me and walked away into that room. "Don't worry, you won't be kissing," I smiled at Arthur. His face turned red once I said that. I took out one chair and told Arthur to sit down on it. "Now, Francis, you will kneel in front of him. Kind of like you are proposing," I explained. Francis nodded and did as I said. "Now take his hands and look at each other... but keep your backs straight and heads up," I added. They continued to do as I said as I walked over to grab my camera. "Now lean into each other slightly, and it will be perfect," I smiled.

I lifted my camera to take some shots, and I thought they looked so cute. For a while, they had stayed silent and just actually looked into each other's eyes. I don't doubt that this will help their relationship a little bit. They were obviously in love with each other, but I started to wonder what was holding them back from each other.

Once I took enough pictures, I looked back at them and saw they came out amazing. "Perfect, now I will start to sketch. This will take some time, so please try not to move. I will play some music so the two of you won't get sleepy." I added. They both nodded, and I noticed how they squeezed each other's hands.

I turned in my record player with music and sat down in my seat. I breathed out deeply and smiled after. I had never had so many volunteer people pose for me, and it was really fun. I took out my sketch pencils and looked at the two of them for a moment before starting to sketch.

Once I finished that part, it took an hour, which I'm glad they could sit through. Doing Alfred was hard since he wanted to get up and see what Kiku was doing. Kiku was straightforward, too, and didn't even say anything. Although Arthur and Francis did fight a little under their breath, they were still pleasant to work with. "Alright, the two of you can stretch for a bit ... maybe an hour while I work on this some more, and I'll have the two of you sit back down for a bit so I can work on your faces." I smiled.

They nodded and walked over to Alfred and Kiku, who kept looking at my painting room. I looked at the sketch that I had made and started to work on the detail of everything. I was going for a Renaissance look, so I wanted to make sure their clothes looked like they were from the old times. I also want to make sure the background looks mystical and romantic so their relationship can pop.

I breathed out deeply and started to work on it slowly, and before I knew it, an hour had already passed. "Alright, are you ready for the last step?" I asked. They both nodded and returned to the pose I had them do before. "How long would this part take?" Arthur asked. "Umm.... it just depends on the person. Probably more than thirty minutes for sure." I explained.

"This is actually really fun, I had never done this before. How often do you do this with people?" Francis asked. "Not very often, but I'm glad I got some people to help me practice. Although I should do self-portraits, I don't," I laughed.

"You've never done a self-portrait?" Arthur asked. "Nope, but I should do that eventually. Now! Stay still so I can do this for you," I laughed. They both nodded and looked back at each other. As I started to do their faces, I kept thinking about how excited I was to do Ludwig. The thought of capturing how handsome he was made me feel so warm.

I continued to look back and forth between them and the canvas and felt like flying. How could someone make me so excited to draw them? To paint them? What was it about him that made me feel this way?

He was the first person to talk to me, and I was grateful. But no matter how I get to know him, I want to do it even more. None of it is enough, and I want so much more. However, I have no idea how much more I am thinking about. I need to figure it out so I can be ready for anything. I'll eventually be leaving, and what will I do when that finally happens?

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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