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The next day, I went to the place where Kiku told me he would be. To my luck, he was there, eating his food. I felt my forehead start to sweat as I watched him. Taking a gulp full of nothing in my throat, I decided not to talk to him. As I turned around to walk away, a voice called to me. "Feli? Is that you?" He spoke. I jumped up from the startled, and I quickly turned around... seeing Alfred wave and run toward me. He was with Kiku, but Kiku didn't bother to run after him.

Without realizing it, I glared daggers at him, and his face fell. "You are so scary!" He cried. My mouth dropped as Kiku caught up to him and placed a hand on him. "You scared him," he spoke. Ludwig heard the commotion and looked to Alfred, and then me, and then back to Alfred.

Alfred came closer to me and placed an arm around my shoulder, pulling me close to Kiku. "Please don't," I said nervously. Alfred was pretending to be hurt as he looked at Kiku who was straight-faced. "Feli? Hey! Where have you been?" Ludwig spoke, shocked.

My face relaxed as I looked at him. He looked happy to see me but tried not to show it too much. I moved away from Alfred and stood in front of Ludwig. "I was trying to find you too...." I said nervously. I had never spoken like this to anyone, and I managed to turn red from it. Kiku grabbed Alfred and pulled him away to go somewhere else. "Well... see you later, Feli."

I shook my head at him jokingly as I turned back to Ludwig. "I was actually going to the art room today after school, but I see you beat me to talking to me first," he laughed out. He was a big, strong guy who had a heart deep down. "I... I just want to be able to talk to you a lot more," I said nervously. I looked him dead in the eyes as both of our faces got red.

"I'm sorry! I can't look at you!" He spoke, and I immediately turned my head away. "Oh! Sorry sorry, sorry!" I apologized nervously. "No! Don't be, I just... was thinking the same thing," He said, looking up and away from me. My face relaxed, and I smiled at how nervous he was. "Can we eat lunch together tomorrow? I usually eat here, but we could always go somewhere else if you'd like." His face turned back to me and I felt my eyes widen.

"Yes! Absolutely. I'd love to!" I spoke. He placed a hand on his forehead and leaned against the tree. "Thank you... I can't wait," he smiled. His face was still red, which was more noticeable because of the sunlight and his light skin. "Great, we can meet here tomorrow," I smiled.

"Well... I'm going to head to class; see you later." I smiled. He nodded, and we both waved goodbye to each other. As I turned around and away from him, I wanted to scream and cheer and just show the world how happy and excited I was. That I wasn't just some stiff serious person who happens to draw really well.

I bit down on my lip and started to walk. However, my legs felt like jello as I tried to recover from the shock. I suddenly got a message on my phone, and my eyes widened. MY FIRST TEXT!!!!! I yelped and tried to open it quickly.

Once I did, I looked at the screen. "The get-together is Friday night; here is the address, and we hope to see you there around nine." It was a message from Alfred. It was like the world around me was pink with all kinds of great things. Like my favorite foods, kitties, and vibrant colors of all sorts. I immediately texted back with an "I will see you then :)"

I felt so cool texting someone about going to a party. Wait! If Ludwig and Kiku know each other. That means that there is a chance that he will be there at the get-together. That means I'll be able to see him after school hours, in regular clothes. This was extremely exciting as I tried to think of the clothes he wore outside school.

If I told my grandfather it was a party; he wouldn't let me go. However, if I said it was a study group, he would be all for it. Besides, by then, I should have finished my painting for the competition. It isn't due till next Wednesday, so either way! I have plenty of time.

I quickly swung my school bag over my shoulder and started to walk back to class. How am I getting so lucky at the last minute? It has been hard to make friends throughout the years, but why is it different now? I mean, I haven't met any of these people before, but I wish I had sooner. If I go to this get-together, I will meet many new people. It was great for me, but I wonder how long it will last.

I can't afford to lose any new friends, so if that means I'll stay being this serious guy, then I'll do it. I never liked the idea of hiding who I was, but I needed to reel myself in slowly. Have them know who I am and understand why I do things a certain way. I nodded to myself in acceptance and continued to walk to my class. 

I moved some hair out of my face and breathed deeply from the thought of everything. I feel like Ludwig and I could be great friends if I just keep trying to get to know him as much as I can.

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The Art prodigy (Gerita) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt