20 (final)

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"Ludwig!! Kiku!!! Everyone!!! Hey!!" I cheered. I ran towards them and immediately went in for a hug. It was Ludwig; I had jumped into his arms. "We saw it on the screen; it looks amazing. It's going to be a hard choice," Alfred spoke. "I know, but I don't care about the results. I'm just glad all of you came," I cheered. "Of course! Did you think we would bail?!" Francis said, shocked.

I let go of Ludwig, and he started to pay me back. "No worries, I'm sure you did great either way," he said.  I looked at the time and gestured to them that it was time for me to go. "We will have our fingers crossed; good luck" Kiku smiled. I nodded and started to run back toward the area I was supposed to be in.

Arriving there, I saw everyone getting ready to return to the floor. This made me so nervous that my hands were starting to sweat. My reality of wanting to win wasn't the case. I felt the need to make my friends happy but shouldn't I just be happy in general?

Once everyone was out in front of everyone, I started to stare off into space. Well.. I was just staring at Ludwig. What was going to happen after this? Do I tell my grandfather that I will stay here and pick a school closer and that my decision is final? Or do I tell
Ludwig that I'll be leaving for Europe. "The third place prize goes to...."

Why is it that I worry so much about these things? Why can't I just make up my mind? Why do I feel the need to gain everyone's acceptance? What is wrong with me? I cannot figure out what it is.  I continued to stare at Ludwig, and I felt sad. I didn't like having to confront either of those options. What if I were to run away? By myself, where no one could ever find me. "Second place goes to..."

I bit down on my lip really hard and tried to come up with a solution. No!! I need to think about what I want. I want.... I want to be happy.... I want to be with Ludwig.... I want to go to some other university so I can be a teacher. Most importantly, I don't want to be alone with no other agenda besides making other people happy. "The first-place spot goes to Feliciano Vargas!!!"

I heard my name being called. I slowly turned my head to the judge, who kept smiling at me. "Hey, snap out of it; you just won," the person next to me said. "I did?.." there was a loud eruption of cheers as I tried to move my legs forward. "Congratulations.." the judge smiled at me. Soon enough, I felt a smile hit my face. I walked closer to the judge, and he placed a medal around my neck.

I looked over to my friends and family, who all gave me thumbs up. "You also won money, but that will be mailed to you later," the judge whispered to me. I laughed from defeat; this was something I didn't think I would get. "Ladies and gentlemen, your winners!!" The judge announced. Confetti and balloons were thrown everywhere, and loud cheers came from the crowd.

I started to smile again, finally realizing that this was the first time I had ever smiled at a competition. The reason was hitting me in the face with a bat. I've been surrounded by new people who love me and have come to support me. This was it; I was going to risk it all.

I stepped down from the podium I was standing on and started to walk over to the area where Ludwig and the others were. I don't care who knows anymore; I can't keep it back anymore. The cheers continued to roar in the back, and I noticed some people staring at me, wondering where I was going. "Ludwig!!!" I shouted. All of my friends and family stared at me as I walked closer. "I love you!!!" I cheered.

"I've decided!! I won't be leaving after all!! I'll be staying here! For good! With everyone and with you." I  cried. My grandfather glared at Ludwig, and everyone started to shake him.

Once I finally made it in front of him, I jumped into his arms for a hug. "I love you too," he whispered in my ear. This competition, this confession, this moment.... was all I needed to take charge of my own life. My grandfather can't change that, and no one else either.  I'll make sure to inspire students from all walks of life.

This string of fate is what brought Ludwig and me together. It's helped me realize my self-worth and that I was more than someone else's victory. If only my brother could see me now, he would be proud that I was able to win this game my grandfather made us play. I looked at everyone and went in for a group hug "thank you all for the support," I smiled at them. "Of course!" They all said. I felt more tears stream down my face as I felt the love they all felt for me. Call me a heavy romantic, but I always ate that stuff up.

From this day to the next, I put my feelings first and will ensure that I feel nothing but happiness and love when thinking about myself. It was a trivial thought, but with enough work, I was sure I could achieve anything I put my mind to. I just showed as much right now, and I am content with the outcome. Waiting was the next step, waiting for the day I started college, and my dreams were complete and sound. Whether that be beside Ludwig or alone, I've made myself happy.

Thanks for reading so far ❤️❤️❤️❤️

This is my first gerita and I'm sorry if it wasn't good at all. I expected for it to not be so good but it's nice to see people reading my books still ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you, and stayed tuned for new content coming out here and in my Instagram page 💖💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️💖❤️

If you have anything to discuss, message me in here or Instagram (preferably Instagram❤️) or write on my message board !!! I like those too .

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