Chapter 14: the ball

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(Days have gone now by, Alastor and Charlie have been going on dates, every other day. But Alastor was bored when he wasn't with Charlie. Same with Charlie, she was bored without Alastor, but she always spend time with her friends. When Alastor came back to the hotel after his broadcast, Charlie ran up towards him, holding a letter.)

Charlie: it's from my father.
(Alastor gave her a smirk on his face. She blushed, then snapped back into reality.)

Charlie: it's from Lucifer. He invited all of us to a ball. The ball is in a month.

(She said as she walked closer to him.)

              (A month later)
      (As everyone was getting ready for the ball. Alastor was helping Charlie get ready. After Alastor was done getting ready, he told Charlie that he would be downstairs with the others. She nodded at him. Alastor walked downstairs and everyone dressed up. Angel was wearing a white and pink dress, husk was wearing a gray and white tuxedo. Vaggie was wearing a aqua green dress with a gray design on the bottom, Niffty was wearing a hot pink dress.)

   (Alastor was wearing a red tuxedo like his normal tux, but it had lighter versions of the colors. Charlie came downstairs to see the others, she was wearing a light reddish pink dress. They got into the limbo that was taking them to the castle. They walked up the and went inside. Alastor and Charlie were nervous, they were hoping that Lucifer and Lilith didn't find out they've been having sex every other week.)

     (They've been dating from almost four or five months now. When everyone in the group was called by the greeter. They walked towards the dance floor, Angel and Husk dance together, Vaggie, Niffty went to the food table, Alastor and Charlie were leaning against a few feet away from the food table. We were talking about their past relationships. Later in the night, all of the girls except Vaggie, Niffty and Lilith were jealous of Charlie spending time with an overlord. Music began and that them gave a excuse to sing.)

            (At one point as they sang, some of the girls separated Charlie from Alastor and sing to him how she's different from any demon, but he didn't care. One of them actually grabbed Charlie by her wrist and held a knife near her wrist. Alastor stopped them for them from try to cut Charlie's wrist. After they sang Charlie walked towards the garden that she knew was there. She down on a bench in the garden. Suddenly she saw shadows came in front of her. Charlie lifted her head to three demons in front of her. They looked looked like overlords.)

     Unknown#1: are you okay, darling?

(The first unknown demon asked. She nodded at them.)

Unknown#2: you don't look like you're okay.

(The second figure said. Charlie stood up with anger.) 

       Alastor: Charlie, are you out here?

   (Alastor said as he walked into the garden. He suddenly saw three demons near Charlie. One of the demons like someone he hated. Charlie walked over towards Alastor, then kissed him on his forehead. Charlie and Alastor walked away from the three demons.)

     Charlie:Alastor, do you know who those are?

  Alastor: yes, my darling. But only hate one of them. That's the guy with a tv as a head. His name's Vox. The others are  Valentino, and Velvet. 

     (Alastor said as he was walking with Charlie towards their friends.  After ten minutes, they left the ball. When they got to back to the hotel, everyone went inside their rooms. As Charlie was getting dressed to go to bed, Alastor walked up to Charlie, pinned her on the chair that they had. She still had her bra on, so Alastor helped her take off her bra. Alastor was in trace with Charlie's pretty.)

    (He began to kiss her, she moaned. Suddenly their bed room door swung wide open, but they didn't notice the door open until someone yelled in surprise. They looked over to Vaggie, and Husk looking at them in stock. Then left, Charlie stood up and finished getting dressed. Alastor closed the door. Then they went to bed.)

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