Chapter 16: Al's in heat

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   ("Hello!" Alastor heard a voice from the front entrance of the hotel. Alastor walked over towards the front door, not only to see other demons, but Valentino, Vox and Velvet standing there. Alastor started to from them, but he felt little bit of pain from stomach.)

Charlie: hello welcome to the Happy Hotel. Are you here redemption?

Vox: no, miss. We've heard about this place in the news. So, we wanted to check it out and what it looks like.

Charlie: would you like stay here for a few days, if you want.

Valentino: yes, we would, but only for two days.

Charlie: okay

    (Charlie said with concern as she gave them their room key. They walked towards their room. Charlie then looked at Alastor and saw he was in pain a little. He and Charlie sat down on the couch, Alastor laid his head on Charlie's lap. She smiled at him, his pain grew stronger. Charlie kissed him on his forehead, then walked away to finish up her paperwork, she had.)

Like this⬇️

   (Hours later, Alastor was still on the couch

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   (Hours later, Alastor was still on the couch. 'Maybe if I walk it off, then my pain will go away.' He thought as he got up the couch. He walked over towards Charlie and she saw that she was sleeping on her desk. He gently grabbed her and held her bridal style, he memorized every room in the hotel. He knew where Charlie's room was.)

  (As he carrying Charlie to her room, Vox saw Alastor holding her. He just ignored Vox, and kept walking. He placed Charlie on her bed and covered her up in the bed sheets.)

    (The next morning, Alastor woke up to see Charlie looking at him. He looked at her with a loving smile. He was so close to kiss her lips, Suddenly Vox brushed the door open, only for Alastor growl at him. Vox stepped back from them, Alastor felt pain from his stomach again, but he tried to hind the pain from Charlie.)

(Charlie walked downstairs with Alastor fallowing behind. When Vox, Valentino, and Husk said good morning to Charlie, Alastor growled at them. Alastor joined with Husk at the small bar they had. Vaggie was there too, talking to Husk.)

Husk: Alastor, maybe you should go talk to Charlie about what's going on with you.

Alastor: Husk, my friend. You see, that's the problem. I can't talk to her, I feel pain when I'm with her.

Vaggie: oh, yes, I felt the same when I was dating Charlie.

(He was beginning to growl at his friends. Then he began to all about Charlie. 'Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. I want is Charlie. She's so so beautiful and the way she moves during sex, she felt so good to pound on my member. Now I think, I need her. Charlie, I wish I could feel you all day. Oh, I wish I could feel her tightness all day, Charlie you make feel like I can live again for I could die for the second or third time.' He thought as the pain in his stomach started to grew again .)

(He went to the library that the hotel had, and was finding some about deer mating symptoms. He find a book called "Mating Season", Alastor opened the book and started to read since he knows that his part deer now. He read until he got to how the deers mate and what it looks like.)

('Maybe me and Charlie could try do deer mating. Wait what?!' He thought as he put the book put on the shelf. He walked up towards Charlie to tell what has been happening to him.)

Charlie: oh, Hi Al.

Alastor: hi Charlie, can you please come by our room later tonight?

Charlie: um, sure Alastor.

(Charlie said as she gave him a kiss on his forehead. 'Come on, Alastor, you couldn't tell now. Well I guess tonight will fine because everyone will think that you two are sleeping.' He thought as he made his way towards their room.)

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